
I have taken off praise along with me, and am

خلع الثناء معي ولست

1. I have taken off praise along with me, and am
Not wearing anything but you, for them not wearing

١. خِلَعُ الثناءِ مَعي ولَس
تُ أَرى سِواكَ لهنَّ لابِس

2. Garments of honor do not cease
To dawn upon you in gatherings

٢. أثوابُ عِزٍّ لا تَزال
علَيكَ تشهرُ في المَجالِس

3. In their embroidery of that
Which the Prince, the Father of Knights, ordered

٣. في طَرزِها ممَّا بِه
أمَرَ الأميرُ أبو الفَوارِس

4. And if those hopeful come before me
To you, I'm not in despair

٤. ولئِن تقدَّمَني إلَي
كَ الآملونَ فلستُ آيِس

5. Since your merit between us
O most high, was judging with fairness

٥. إذ كانَ فَضلُكَ بَينَنا
يا ذا العُلى حَكَماً فَقايِس