
This is my talk, and I have not kept it for a beloved

هذا حديثي ولم أمسك لمعتبة

1. This is my talk, and I have not kept it for a beloved
To whom a secret would be folded or to whom fame would be displayed

١. هذا حَديثي ولم أُمسِك لمعتَبَةٍ
يُطوى لها السِرُّ أو يُبدَى لها العَلَنُ

2. And I have not judged with my knowledge your aloofness toward me
Even if time has stretched me with its injuries

٢. ولا حكمتُ بِعِلمي في جَفائِكَ لي
وإن تَطاوَلَ بي في ضُرِّهِ الزَّمَنُ

3. Rather, I said to my soul in imitation of your action toward me
If it were not good, the good one would not have accepted it

٣. بل قلتُ للنَّفسِ تَقلِيداً لِفعلكَ بي
لَو لم يَكُن حَسَناً لم يَرضَه حَسَنُ