
A watering for a time now passed, a shepherd

سقيا لوقت مضى ورعيا

1. A watering for a time now passed, a shepherd
Rejoicing, with a smile lighting his face,

١. سَقياً لوَقتٍ مضَى ورَعيا
مُستَبشِراً ضاحكَ المُحيَّا

2. In an age of which we are the masters,
Commanding and forbidding as we please.

٢. في زَمنٍ نحنُ مالِكُوهُ
أمراً عَلى صَرفِه ونَهيا

3. Our spirits lord it still;
You would take shelter from it in a shroud.

٣. ترفُّ أرواحُنا عَليهِ
فتَحتَمي عَنهُ بالحُميَّا

4. The nights have borne us along as we wished;
If you could see them now, you would call them captives.

٤. سُقنا اللَّيالي كَما أرَدنا
فلَو تراهُنَّ قلتَ سَبيا

5. Then their course rebelled, so look
And see the consequence now they have mutinied.

٥. ثم بَغَى صرفُهُنَّ فانظُر
عُقباهُ لمَّا استَطالَ بَغيا

6. The son of Sha'yā was his enemy,
So Sha'yā was added to the son of Sha'yā.

٦. كان ابنُ شَعيا لهُ عَدُوَّاً
فانضافَ شَعيا إلى ابنِ شَعيا

7. And to the two nobles a child was added
Who, since he knew bounties, has been their guide.

٧. وزادَ في الأكرَمِينَ طفلٌ
مُذ عرفَ المكرُماتِ هَديا

8. He smiles at visitors so
You would think generosity itself came to inspire him.

٨. يَبسِمُ لِلقاصِدينَ حتَّى
كأنَّ جُوداً أتاهُ وَحيا

9. There he sings songs of bravery
And pursues the girls who arouse passion.

٩. هُناكَ يُغني الخُطوبَ ضَرباً
ويُنفِدُ النائِباتِ رَميا

10. He follows in generosity his father
When time has killed the living and revived the dead.

١٠. يَتبعُ من فَضلهِ أباهُ
إذا أماتَ الزَّمانُ أحيا

11. He hastens to the maidens with gifts
And they cannot match his exertions.

١١. يَسعَى إليهنَّ بالرَّزايا
وهنَّ لا يَستطِعنَ سَعيا