
The one who asks the sleepy eyes

من يسأل الطرف المسهد

1. The one who asks the sleepy eyes
Why do they reap while sleeping

١. من يسأل الطرف المسهَّد
ما باله يجني ويسهَد

2. Cries, so I dress every day
With a cloak renewed from it

٢. يبكي فألبس كلَّ يو
مٍ بُرقعاً منه مجدَّد

3. Between the yellowish and the dark
He sees, and the branding iron and the supported

٣. بين المعصفر والمسي
يَر والمسهم والمعضَّد

4. I cannot dissuade him
From that hardened heart

٤. لا أستطيع أردُّه
عن ذلك القلب المصدَّد

5. For I was born in love
Or love was born from me

٥. فأنا المولَّد في الهوى
أو فالهوى مني تولَّد

6. And for the shaking sigh
When he stood up and did not sleep

٦. ولربَّ أهيفَ جر أه
يَل حين قام وماسَ أملَد

7. So he blamed that and exceeded
The limit and did not transgress what he was accustomed to

٧. فسبى بذلكَ واستبا
حَ وما تجاوزَ ما تعوَّد

8. When he followed the trace of beauty
He professed their religion and imitated

٨. لما اقتَفى أثر الملا
ح فدانَ دينهم وقلَّد

9. Everyone discouraged me and wished
And wished me while discouraging

٩. كل يزهدُني وير
غَبُ وهو يرغبني ويزهَد

10. I am surprised by you condemning
What you praise so you are praised

١٠. إني لأعجبُ منك تف
علُ ما تذمُّ به فتُحمَد

11. And I see you possess what you possessed
Of hearts but you are not envied

١١. وأراك تملكُ ما ملك
تَ من القلوب وليس تُحسَد

12. Youth's outcome came hastily
As if its darkness was painted

١٢. نصلَ الشبابُ مسارعاً
فكأن أسوَدَه مسوَّد

13. And as if the accustomed from it
Of happiness was covenanted

١٣. وكأنما المعهودُ منه
من المسرة كان معهَد

14. If it was from what was in
The palm of Prince Abu Muhammad

١٤. لو كان مما كان في
كفِّ الأمير أبي محمَّد

15. What do you think of it, will it
Run out of dew or not run out

١٥. ماذا تظنُّ به أين
فَدُ في الندى أم ليس يَنفَد

16. Nothing but generosity like
Ahmad’s is at his visitors

١٦. ما عند زائرِه من ال
أمثالِ إلا العَود أحمَد

17. It is as if his house of abundance
Is a shrine from many visitors

١٧. فكأنَّ بيت عطائه
من كثرةِ الزوارِ مَشهَد

18. The departing to him is provisioned
With the surplus provision from him

١٨. يتزوَّد الغادي إِلَي
هِ بفضل ما عنه تزوَّد

19. There is nothing in his caravan as
In his sheath from what he wore

١٩. ما في حَميلته كما
في غِمده مما تقلَّد

20. But that one sometimes pours while
This one does not sheathe

٢٠. لكن ذاكَ يسلُّ أح
ياناً وهذا ليسَ يغمَد

21. The speech about the generous stopped
Then it refers to him

٢١. قطعَ الحديثُ عن الأكا
رِم ثم صار إليه يُسنَد

22. And with his mention he is
Always repeated between us

٢٢. وبذكره أبداً يُكَر
رَرُ بيننا وبه يُردَّد

23. God, you and the sharp minded in the two lives are unique
And I come from behind the preceders, smooth sided, bare

٢٣. للَه أنت ومرهف ال
حدَّين في الحيين مفرد

24. A cultivated, eloquent knight
When ridden he shows pride

٢٤. وأقبّ من خلف السوا
بِقَ مُجفر الجنبينِ أجرَد

25. The neighing horse clung to it thus became
As if it is a knotted and plaited forelock

٢٥. ومثقفٌ سبطُ الكعو
بِ إذا ركِبت به تجعَّد

26. And a band glittered so its atmosphere shone and it shook and thundered
It returned so you are its banner

٢٦. عَلِقَ النجيع به فصا
رَ كأنه شطَنٌ معقَّد

27. I did not see anything competing over you

٢٧. وكتيبةٌ لمعت فأب
رق جَوُها وجرت فأرعَد

٢٨. رجَعت فأنت لِواؤها
لا ما رأيتَ عليك يُعقَد