
Sing to me, O most precious of creation to me

غنني يا أعز ذا الخلق عندي

1. Sing to me, O most precious of creation to me
Liven Najd and those in the valleys of Najd

١. غنّني يا أعزَّ ذا الخلق عندي
حيِّ نَجداً ومَن بأكنافِ نَجدِ

2. And give me that which makes the miser become
Like Hatem and the coward like Amr ibn Ma'di

٢. واسقِني ما يَصيرُ ذُو البُخلِ منه
حاتِماً والجَبانُ عَمرَو بنَ مَعدِ

3. For me what's above and beyond your two cheeks
Is wine like musk in its rose color

٣. لي وما فَوقَ وَجنَتَيكَ من الوَر
دِ مُدامٌ كالمِسكِ في لَونِ وَردِ

4. So give it to me full for the
Night has unveiled a crescent moon as if with clipped wings

٤. فاسقِنِيها مَلأى فَقَد فَضَحَ ال
ليلَ هِلالٌ كأنَّه فتر رند

5. And the Pleiades fluttering with the wing of
The west wind swoop as if they were the head of a young lion

٥. والثُريَّا خفَّاقة بجناح ال
غَربِ تَهوي كأنَّها رأسُ فَهدِ

6. In the days of youth, old age was quick to visit me
So this is from the first of life my fate

٦. في أوانِ الشَّبابِ عاجَلَني الشَّيبُ
فَهذا من أول الدنِّ دُردي