
From an impassioned, inflamed lover

من حائم ملتهب الغله

1. From an impassioned, inflamed lover
In disposition, cunning, and yearning

١. من حائِمٍ مُلتَهِبِ الغُلَّه
في الحالِ والحِيلةِ والخَلَّه

2. If it were not for suspicions that tied his soul
To hopes of success from the son of Abdullah

٢. لَولا ظُنُونٌ علَّقَت نَفسَهُ
بالفَوزِ مِن فَوزِ بنِ عَبد اللَّه

3. I see you zealous, believing that giving
Money is required by divine decree

٣. أراكَ مَشعُوفاً تَرى أنَّ بَذ
لَ المالِ مِن مُفتَرَضِ المِلَّه

4. So include me among those you treat
As long as you heal them of stinginess

٤. فاجعَل ليَ إِسماً في المقلِّين ما
دُمتَ تُداوِيهِم مِن القِلَّه

5. And if not for you, people would refuse
To be treated for this illness

٥. والناسُ لَولا أنتَ يأبَونَ أن
يُعالَجوا مِن هذِه العِلَّه