
Nobility gleams through his noble traits

شيم يلوح على مكارمها الشرف

1. Nobility gleams through his noble traits
Flawless, so none can reproach save the envious

١. شيمٌ يلوحُ عَلى مَكارِمها الشَّرف
كمُلَت فلَيسَ تُعابُ إِلا بالسَّرَف

2. Abu al-Fadl's nobility appears to his foe
Who, seeing him, knows him though denying before

٢. يَبدو أَبو الفَضلِ الشَّريفُ لخَصمِها
فإذا تَناكرَها وأبصرَهُ اعتَرَف

3. Had he persisted in false rejection
Witnesses' testimony would reveal his deeds

٣. ولَو استَقامَ عَلى الجحودِ لأَعرَبَت
عَنه شهاداتُ الشهودِ بِما اقتَرَف

4. As my years advanced, so did the years of grace
I feared senility would overtake us both

٤. لمَّا عَلَت سِنِّي عَلَت سنُّ النَّدى
فخشِيتُ يَشمَلُني وإِيَّاهُ الخَرَف

5. Until I saw you shouldering his place
So I clung to that care as to a rope

٥. حتَّى رأَيتُك عانِياً بمكانِه
فعَلقتُ من تِلكَ العِنايَة بالطَّرَف

6. As if, seeking you, a thirsty man
Passing a valley stream stopped to drink deep

٦. فكأنَّني لمَّا اعترَضتُكَ حائِمٌ
ظمآن مرَّ بِسَيلِ وادٍ فاغتَرَف

7. I see reversals have established their course
But tuning my cares to you, they retreat

٧. وأَرَى النَّوائِبَ قَد تمكَّنَ صَرفُها
وإِذا صَرفتُ إِليكَ همَّتها انصَرَف