
I will recount what state I'm in and what

سأذكر ما أنا فيه وما

1. I will recount what state I'm in and what
I have encountered, remembering,

١. سَأذكرُ ما أنا فيه وما
لقيتُ وأشرَحه ذاكِرا

2. And had I not been a poet, a poet
would have aided describing what befell me,

٢. ولو لَم أكُن شاعراً لاستَعَن
تُ عَلى وَصفِ ما حلَّ بي شاعِرا

3. Previously, I let my tears flow over
my nothingness ceaselessly,

٣. وقد كنتُ أسبَلتُ من قبلِ ذا
كَ دَمعي علَى عَدَمي سايِرا

4. Until the month came, the month of fasting,
so it manifested and began to spread,

٤. إلى أن أتى الشهرُ شَهرُ الصِّيا
مِ فأبرزَه وابتَدا ناشِرا

5. And its nights became its days
I spent awake, fasting, sleepless,

٥. وصارَت لَياليهِ أيامُه
أبيتُ به صائِماً ساهِرا

6. And forgot the people of affection and sublimeness,
and who recalls the bygone times,

٦. وأُنسيتُ أهلَ الندى والعُلى
ومَن يذكرُ الزمنَ الغابِرا

7. And I said: you forgot their remnants
so remember me amongst them, mending,

٧. وقلتُ نسيتُم بَقاياهُم
فأذكرَني منهم جابِرا

8. A youth who inherited glory from his fathers
and the latter may inherit the former,

٨. فتىً ورَّثَ المجدَ آباءهُ
وقد يَرثُ الأوَّلُ الآخِرا

9. And how they donned the garments of eminence
and its splendid embroideries, splendid,

٩. وكم سَحبوا من ثيابِ العُلى
ومن طَرزِها الفاخِر الفاخِرا

10. And they descended to the abode of power
and ascended; its downpour related its path,

١٠. وقد نَزلوا في محلِّ السِّماكِ
علواً حَكوا نَوأهُ الماطِرا

11. And his pure governance indicated
that he has a pure birth,

١١. ودلَّت ولايَتُه الطاهِري
نَ أنَّ له مَولِداً طاهِرا