
The blessings of our Maulana be upon you

بركات مولانا عليك تعود

1. The blessings of our Maulana be upon you
You have returned so you are far from misfortunes

١. بركاتُ مولانا عليكَ تعودُ
قرُبت فأنت من النحوسِ بعيدُ

2. And his soldiers gathered with the auspiciousness of his fortune
So the armies of the polytheists scattered

٢. وجنودُه اجتمعت بقوَّةِ سعدِه
فتفرَّقت للمشركين جنودُ

3. And you attacked them with doves that stayed
And your call did not precede to heights and feast

٣. وغزوتَهم بحمائمٍ بقَت ولم
يَسبق نداك إلى العلوج وَعيدُ

4. Their pure white complexion when collected
And their eyes are black when examined

٤. آماقُها بيضٌ إذا حصَّلتها
وعيونُها عند التأملِ سودُ

5. I did not think that a teeming sea
The black ones from it flow to the sands

٥. ما كنتُ أحسب أن بحراً زاخراً
تسعى إلى الأجَمات منه أسودُ

6. They did not know by their turning away from their land
Especially since they knew he would return

٦. لم يَعلموا بقفُولها عَن أرضِهم
سيما وقد عَلموا بأن سيعودُ

7. It did not shine with its fuel except and in
The belly of the Roman dog from it is firewood

٧. ما أشرقَت بوَقودها إلا وفي
أحشاءِ كلبِ الروم منه وقودُ

8. And their silence if they agreed with their concord
The commander of the faithful Abid would submit

٨. وصمتهمُ لو وافقوا توفيقَهم
لِعُلا أمير المؤمنينَ عبيدُ

9. How many bows did their swords bow to
And they bow in prostration to the sultan of death

٩. كم رَكعةٍ لسيوفِهم خرُّوا لها
وهمُ لسلطانِ المنونِ سجودُ

10. And the Imam threw them with a piercing
Forever the ages of the enemies perished

١٠. ورماهمُ منك الإمامُ بمرهفٍ
أبداً لأعمارِ العُداةِ مبيدُ

11. Did the vizier's fortune deceive you
O son of Muhammad Mahmoud

١١. أغراك إقبال الوزير
يا ابن محمد محمودُ

12. You were right, you had insight that preceded
And for the like of that one makes an effort

١٢. صدقت لديكَ فِراسةٌ سبقت لها
ولمثلِ ذلك يبذلُ المَجهودُ

13. They did not sheathe failing swords in the fray
Except your drawing sword destroyed

١٣. لم يغمِدوا فشلاً سيوفاً في الوغى
إلا وأشهرَ سيفَك التجريدُ

14. For if they were able, they would have made
And attained auspicious times

١٤. فلو استَطاعوا صانَعوا عن دهرِهم
واستَوفقت عهودُ

15. How many fresh springs of theirs you muddied
Until for your sword in the blood are roses

١٥. كم موردٍ عذبٍ لهم كدَّرته
حتى لسيفكَ في الدماءِ ورودُ

16. I swear no man intimated glories
Except you were the one intended

١٦. أقسمت ما قصد امرؤ بمناقبٍ
إلا وأنت بمثلِها المقصودُ

17. So may the feast delight you a feast is approaching
You still attain it and this is feast

١٧. فليهنكَ العيدان عيدٌ مقبلٌ
لا زلتَ تدركه وهذا عيدُ