1. In times like these your kindness is known, O son of Al-Hasan,
And between us is the love of youth which does not depart from a heart when it settles there.
١. في مِثلها مِن نائباتِ الزَّمَن
يُعرفُ إحسانُك يا ابن الحَسَن
2. You are worthy of generosity and nobility,
And excellence among all people and favors.
٢. وبَينَنا ودُّ الصِّبا وهولا
يَرحلُ من قَلبٍ إذا ما سَكَن
3. So rise to that which you have accustomed me,
For if you do not rise to it, then who?
٣. وأنتَ أهلٌ للنَّدى والعُلى
والفَضلِ ما بينَ الورَى والمِنَن
4. And know, O Abu Al-Saqr, that generosity,
Has for thankfulness upon it a price.
٤. فانهَض إلى ما كنتَ عوَّدتَني
إن أنتَ لم تَنهَض إليهِ فَمَن
٥. واعلم أبا الصَّقرِ بأنَّ النَّدى
لَه من الشُّكرِ علَيهِ ثَمَن