
They will be questioned, who offended the Prophet and ignored him,

سيسأل من آذى النبي وأله

1. They will be questioned, who offended the Prophet and ignored him,
With what will you replace Muhammad, when you did not succeed him?

١. سَيُسألُ من آذَى النبيَّ وألَه
بِماذا خَلَفتُم لا خَلَفتُم مُحمَّدا

2. With what will the sinners gain intercession,
When they fought the family of Ahmad?

٢. بِماذا يَنالُ الفاسِقُونَ شَفاعَةً
لأحمدَ لمَّا حارَبُوا آلَ أحمَدا

3. Do you hope for mercy from Allah? No! But you will occupy
A seat in the fire, as you opposed Allah.

٣. أتَرجُون عندَ اللَّهِ لا بَل تَبوَّؤا
من النَّارِ إذ خالَفتُم اللَّه مقعَدا

4. Appointments will gather you and the virtuous people,
And you will meet what you have sent ahead, confirmed.

٤. ستَجمعُكم والطَّيِّبينَ مواقفٌ
وتَلقَونَ ما قدَّمتُمُوه مؤكَّدا