
Have you seen in me any distress of love

أرأيت بي من حادث إشفاقا

1. Have you seen in me any distress of love
Except that it may be parting?

١. أَرأَيتَ بي من حادثٍ إِشفاقا
في الحبِّ إِلا أَن يَكونَ فِراقا

2. The hardship of estrangement is like connection when
Your lover has met in passion what he met.

٢. ذلُّ التَّهاجرِ كالتَّواصُلِ عندَما
لاقى مُحبُّكَ في الهَوى ما لاقى

3. And the eyelids of a singer have aimed, so they competed
Our spirits for their arrows raced.

٣. وجفونِ غانِيَةٍ رَمَت فتَراهَنَت
أَرواحُنا لنِصالِها أَسباقا

4. The lovers do not love of their moments
Except sickness that the lovers love.

٤. لا يَعشقُ العُشاقُ من لَحَظاتِها
إِلا سقاماً يَعشَقُ العُشاقا

5. She turned away, so I did not despair, and I said, hoping
He will return her as Isaac returned to me.

٥. صَدَّت فَلَم أجزَع وقلتُ مُؤمِّلاً
سَيَردُّها من رَدَّ لي إِسحاقا

6. After what your circumstance has prevented
O you, time of sorrows and barrenness.

٦. من بَعد ما قَد حالَ صَرفُكَ دونَه
يا أَيُّها الزَّمنُ الخَؤون وعاقا

7. And I was patient with life that you troubled
Until it cleared, despite you, and was docile.

٧. وصبرتُ للعَيشِ الذي كدَّرتَه
حتَّى صَفا بالرَّغم منكَ وراقا

8. With a young man as if glory had given him
That he does not respond to other than him valiantly.

٨. بفَتىً كأنَّ المَجدَ أَعطاهُ بأن
لا يَستَجيبَ لِغَيرِهِ ميشاقا

9. Do not be surprised by one who sees you, and some of what
Comes to you, so he thought the Levant Iraq.

٩. لا تعجَبنَّ لمَن يَراكَ وبعض ما
تأتي فظَنَّ بكَ الشآمَ عِراقا