
You abandoned me while I see other lovers as peers

أفردتني وأرى العشاق أقرانا

1. You abandoned me while I see other lovers as peers
You made me inferior to them in status

١. أفرَدتِني وأرَى العشَّاقَ أقراناً
دُوني فصيَّرتِ لي من دُونهم شَانا

2. We all pine for you, so look kindly
At what's between us and join me first in union

٢. وكلُّنا بكِ صَبٌّ فانظُري حَسَناً
ما بَيننا واسعِفي بالوَصلِ أولانا

3. I asked you for a favor knowingly
That asking would meet with deprivation from you

٣. وقد سألتُكِ مَعروفاً بمَعرِفَةٍ
أنَّ السُّؤالَ سَيَلقَى منكِ حِرمانا

4. So people would know I gave myself to you
And turned my face to you, though it was time

٤. ليَعلمَ الناسُ أنِّي قد بذلت له
وَجهي إليكِ ولكِن حينه حانا

5. She said, "Have you forgotten what you did to us?
Not all this is from you out of forgetfulness"

٥. قالَت فَهل أنتَ ناسٍ ما صَنَعتَ بِنا
أذكُر فما كلُّ هذا مِنكَ نِسيانا

6. "Days when you were free of our love
You didn't know it except through our complaints

٦. أيامَ كنتَ خَليّاً مِن صَبابَتِنا
ما كنتَ تَعرِفُها إلا بِشَكوانا

7. You would play and passions were confused
With us toward you, beautiful when we met you

٧. تَلهُو وتَلعبُ والأشواقُ لاعِيةٌ
بنا إِليكَ وتُزهَى حينَ تَلقانا

8. So be patient with your old ways." I said to her
"Don't mention what is past, start over again now"

٨. فاصبِر لسُنَّتِكَ الأولَى فقُلتُ لَها
لا تذكُري ما مَضَى واستأنِفي الآنا

9. And I said, "O Lord, grant me what you granted her
After that love you compensated with tranquility"

٩. وقلتُ يا ربِّ هَب لي ما وَهَبتَ لها
أعقَبتَها بعدَ ذاكَ الحُبِّ سُلوانا

10. "A coquette of the Roman girls pretentiously
A daughter of prominent men for whoever buys her colors

١٠. وعانِسٍ من بَناتِ الرُّومِ مُظهِرةٍ
بنتَ الكُرُومِ لمن يَبتاعُ ألوانا

11. I put forward my companion before going to her
Lest she measure out and weigh"

١١. قدَّمتُ قَبلي إليها صاحِبي فَرَقاً
من أن تقدِّمَ مِكيالاً ومِيزانا

12. Until when my coming and going grew long
I became accustomed to them both

١٢. حتَّى إِذا طالَ تَردادي ألِفتُهما
وكلُّ شيءٍ إذا هَوَّنتَه هانا

13. And everything, if you make it easy, is easy"
I visit her in the desolation of night, when

١٣. أزُورُها بِبَها ليلٍ إذا عَزَمَت
نَفسي عَلى الأمر كانُوا فيه أَعوانا

14. My soul is resolved to the matter, and they are helping hands
And whenever separations from visiting her

١٤. وكلَّما قَطعَتني عَن زِيارتِها
قواطِعٌ من زَماني زرتُ دِميانا

15. Cut me off, I frequented Dimian
For a habit of the dew of his palms I know

١٥. لِعادةٍ من نَدى كفَّيهِ أعرفُها
إذا فَزِعتُ إلى كفَّيهِ أَحيانا

16. When I panic, at times to his palms
They both, when time turned away with

١٦. هُما اللَّتانِ إذا ولَّى الزَّمانُ بما
أهواهُ عوَّضَتاني مِنه أَزمانا

17. What it fancied, compensated me for times
A man of ambition raised us and a man

١٧. ذُو هِمَّةٍ رُفعَت عنَّا وذُو خُلُقٍ
سَمحٍ إِذا ما دَنَونا منه أَدنانا

18. Of easy, forgiving nature, when we drew near
We give praise, in words for him, and he favors us

١٨. نُهدي الثَّناءَ له قَولاً فيُسعفُهُ
بأن يُقيمَ له بالفِعلِ بُرهانا

19. By establishing for it with deeds, proof
How many houses of glory he built with dew, so

١٩. كم بيتِ مَجدٍ بناه بالندى فغَدت
أَبياتُ شِعري لذاكَ البَيتِ أَركانا

20. My poetry verses became pillars for that house
And everyone who heard something amazing said

٢٠. وقالَ كلّ امرىءٍ مرَّت بمَسمعِهِ
لمَّا رأى عَجباً للنَّاسِ فَتَّانا

21. "How excellent and wondrous for people is his integrity
How could she who is like firm mountains

٢١. كيفَ استَوى وهي كالأجبالِ راسيةٌ
حملُ الرُّواةِ لها رَجلاً ورُكبانا

22. Bear the reciters walking to her on feet and knees
O you remembering what his generosity might be tomorrow

٢٢. يا ذاكِراً ما عَساهُ أن يكونَ غَداً
من جُودِه وهوَ ناسٍ منه ما كانا

23. While forgetting what was, that was not his way
Displaying anger for misfortunes, indeed, you

٢٣. ومُظهِراً غَضَباً للنائِبَاتِ لقَد
أرضَيتَ مِنَّا بِهِ مَن كانَ غَضبانا

24. Pleased with him from us whoever was angry"
I thought well of you, and am not one of those

٢٤. إنِّي ظَنَنتُ بكَ الحُسنى ولَستُ لَها
فِيمَن سِواكَ لقَد جَرَّبتُ ظَنَّانا