
You hid your resolve to part, though all was plain,

أخفيت عزمك للفراق فما خفي

1. You hid your resolve to part, though all was plain,
Wary for the heart of the slanderer keen.

١. أخفَيتَ عَزمكَ للفِراقِ فَما خَفي
حذراً عَلى قَلبِ المُعنَّى المُدنِفِ

2. Until when your eyes knew this, the tears revealed
What had not been revealed in torrents clean.

٢. حتَّى إِذا عَلِمَت بذاكَ جفونُه
كشَفَت بفَيضِ الدَّمعِ ما لَم يُكشَفِ

3. Do not reckon you will find, when we part, favour.
Of old, before we parted, we were serene.

٣. لا تحتَسِب تَلقى لبينِكَ منَّةً
قَد كانَ بَينكَ قبل هجرِكَ مُتلفِي

4. You swore to me - no, you betrayed me, as if
You had sworn, in swearing, you would not be keen.

٤. عاهَدتَني لا خنتَني فكأنَّما
عاهَدتَني في العَهدِ إِنَّكَ لا تَفِي

5. She said to her spy, when she was resolved
To take my part by a speech fair and sheen:

٥. قالَت لواحِظُه لوَجنَتِه وقَد
عزَمَت عَلى نَصري مقالَةَ مُنصِفِ

6. "Now you have championed him, but for long you've
Sapped his strength by a greeting routine.

٦. الآنَ قُمتِ بِنَصرِه ولَطالَما
أضعَفتِ قوَّتَه بوَردٍ مُضعَفِ

7. The minstrel moves me. I have pressing need,
So his lament for the wild cows will convene.

٧. وأمرُّ بِالمَغنى لحاجَة مُسرعٍ
فَيَكونُ ذكرُ قَطينه مُستَوقِفي

8. Passion! Your reason has judged; accept its rule.
Pain! Fortune has turned you. Oh, turn serene."

٨. يا وجدُ حكَّمكَ التجنِّي فاحتَكِم
يا سُقم صرَّفكَ الأَسى فَتَصرَّفِ