
Ask the places of separation in the morning after the night camps crawl,

سلي بمواقع الأسل

1. Ask the places of separation in the morning after the night camps crawl,
And compare what you heard with what happens to me now,

١. سَلي بِمَواقع الأَسلِ
غَداةَ تَزاحُفِ الحِلَلِ

2. When I became fit for complaining to you, you became fit for blaming me,
To you, for you are safe,

٢. وقِيسي ما سَمِعتِ بِه
إِلى ما باتَ يَعرضُ لي

3. Accepting advice from me,
Dark brown like a canal seen,

٣. أَحينَ صَلحتُ لِلشَّكوى
إِلَيكِ صلحتِ للعَذَلِ

4. And not of faded canals,
Does the dark-brown have for his spit a sip of honeydew?

٤. إِلَيكِ فَأَنتِ آمنةٌ
قبولَ النُّصحِ مِن قِبَلي

5. And of balanced constitution, for an imbalanced matter,
It passed, so I carried it,

٥. وأسمرَ كالقَناةِ يُرى
وَلَيسَ مِن القَنا الذبُلِ

6. To beat the camel litters,
And I leave them of blessings,

٦. وهَل لِلأَسمَرِ العسَّا
لِ ريقٌ مِن جَنى العَسَلِ

7. He obliges me with them, Ali,
So whatever he objects of it,

٧. وَصافِي المَتنِ مُعتَدلٍ
لأَمرٍ غَير مُعتَدِلِ

8. He finds a likeness and a parable.
I saw for every generosity,

٨. مَضَى فَمَضَيتُ أَحملُهُ
لضَربِ حَوائِلِ الإِبِلِ

9. An intolerable guide,
A disjointed connection,

٩. وأخلِفُهُنَّ مِن مِنَنٍ
يمنُّ بِها عَلَيَّ عَلِي

10. And an inseparable estrangement.
None but you spends the night with exertion about it,

١٠. فَمَهما يَعتَرِض مِنها
يَجِد مَثلاً وكالمَثَلِ

11. Except upon disquiet,
You alone below them,

١١. رَأيتُ لِكلِّ مَكرُمةٍ
دَلالاً غَير مُحتَمَلِ

12. Drowning the East with wetness,
And between you is a connection,

١٢. وَوَصلاً غَير مُتَّصلٍ
وهَجراً غَير مُنفَصِلِ

13. Pure from the turbidity of boredom,
And how many times has it plugged, this

١٣. فلَيسَ يَبيتُ ذو كَلَفٍ
بِها إِلا عَلى وَجَلِ

14. In the mouth, of gaps.

١٤. سِواكَ فَأَنتَ دُونَهمُ
غَريقُ الشَّرقِ بالبَلَلِ

١٥. وبَينَكُما مُواصَلةٌ
صَفَت من كدرة المَلَلِ

١٦. وَكَم سَدَّت خِلالكَ ه
ذِهِ في الثَّغرِ مِن خَلَلِ