
When people spoke of the good deeds

فحين خاض الناس في ذكر ما

1. When people spoke of the good deeds
Of my father, who was so kind,

١. فحينَ خاضَ الناسُ في ذِكر ما
عندَ أبي الخَيرِ من الخَيرِ

2. I walked away silently, with my staff letting me know
That to me, my staff was useless.

٢. سِرتُ وسارَت بي عَصاً أعلمَت
أن العصا عِندي بلا سَيرِ

3. Until I caught up with the group, feeling
Like someone else had lit my fire.

٣. حتى لحِقتُ القومَ مستَشعِراً
مثل الذي استَشعَرهُ غَيري

4. And I took comfort in speaking his name,
As the benefits stood apart from the harm.

٤. وقد تفاءلتُ بذكر اسمِهِ
فامتاز بالنفع عن الضيرِ

5. And the omen proved true, when there flew
From my right, a bird in flight.

٥. وصحَّ زجرُ الفأل لما جَرى
من عن يَميني سانحُ الطيرِ