
Do not think what you have mastered

لا تظنن ما تمكنت منه

1. Do not think what you have mastered
Of my time is made for my time

١. لا تظُنَّنَّ ما تمكَّنتُ مِنهُ
مِن زَماني صَنيعَةً لزَماني

2. Whatever night has cleared for me to grieve
Upon me is the memory of those who forget me

٢. أيُّما لَيلَةٍ صفَت لي يُكدِّر
ها عَليَّ ادِّكارُ من يَنساني

3. And when strength is complete in you
Beware the weak eyelids

٣. وَإذا ما تَكامَلَت عِندكَ القُو
وَةُ فاحذَر مُستَضعَف الأجفانِ