
The rain was poured down in abundance, so it has washed away his estrangement

سقي الغيث مثله فلقد عقق

1. The rain was poured down in abundance, so it has washed away his estrangement
He was estranged from his brother, so his estrangement distressed us

١. سُقِيَ الغَيثُ مثلَه فلَقَد عَق
قَ أَخاهُ فَبرَّنا بعُقوقِه

2. He was like the bright rainbow, adorned with the utmost radiance
So by freeing us from thirst, may God reward him well for his efforts on our behalf

٢. كانَ كالعارِضِ المشرقِ مَح
ظوظاً بِما فيهِ مُنتَهى تَشريقِه

٣. فبِما اعتاقَه سَقانا جَزاهُ ال
لَهِ عنَّا خَيراً عَلَى تَعويقِه