1. Yet people did not know the gift bestowed on me,
Unlike what they were granted, unlike mine on them.
١. والنَّاسُ لم يَعرِفُوا لي ما خُصِصتُ به
مِن دُونِهم مثلَ ما خُصُّوا بِهِ دُوني
2. They saw their wealth make their homes
Rise high, while my poverty lowered mine.
٢. رأوا مَنازِلَهم بالمالِ قَد جَعلَت
تَعلُو ومَنزِلَتي بالفَقرِ تُدنِيني
3. And they knew what their hands held
Was best for this world and the faith.
٣. وأيَقنوا أنَّ ما ضَمَّت أكفهُّمُ
عَليهِ أصلحُ لِلدُّنيا ولِلدِّينِ
4. They held tight to it and blocked it off,
Refusing to let go in hardship or ease.
٤. شَدُّوا عَليهِ وسَدُّوا دُونَه وأبَوا
أن يُفرِجُوا عَنه في شَدٍّ وفي لِينِ
5. So when they were miserly with the transient,
I was miserly with the eternal.
٥. فحينَ ضَنُّوا بما يَفنَى ضَنَنتُ بِما
يَبقَى فقَد صارَ بُخلُ القَومِ يُعديني
6. Their people's stinginess infected me
Except for some generosity that still
٦. إلاَّ بَقيَّةَ جُودٍ من ألَمَّ بِها
في الحِينِ أغنَتهُ عن جُودٍ إلى حِينِ
7. Once moved me and for an instant made me
Forget generosity for a while.
٧. مِن طالِبِيها أنا المَطلُوبُ مِن زَمَني
قَصداً ومِن أهلِها مُوسىَ بن هارونِ