1. For two years she has been a captive,
Her freedom taken by the nights' decrees,
١. من لمأسورةٍ رَهينَة عامَي
نِ قضَت أسرَها الليالي القَواضي
2. Yet she was chaste, though fate had stolen her
From the embroiderer's hands, and destinies.
٢. وهيَ عَذراءُ إنَّما اختَلَسَتها
نوبُ الدهرِ من يَد المِقراضِ
3. So she turned away, leaving behind sisters
Angry at the separation, discontent.
٣. فتَولَّت وفارَقَت أخَواتٍ
ساخِطاتٍ بالبينِ غيرِ روَاضِ
4. The skill of separation left them to decay
While she stayed fresh, her honor unrent.
٤. أسلَمتهنَّ لِلبلى حرفةُ الفُر
قةِ حتَّى ثوَت وهُنَّ مَواضِ
5. When she saw honor in a stranger's hands
Her heart grew hard against her sisters then.
٥. وقَسا قلبُها عَليهنَّ لمَّا
رأَت العزَّ في يَدَي غياضِ
6. She forgot that those hands were never wont
To be closed tight around the honored women.
٦. نَسِيَت أنَّها يَدٌ لم تَكن قَط
طُ عَلى المَكرُماتِ ذاتِ انقِباضِ
7. And he knows well that barriers in generosity
Are shields that guard all virtuous modesty.
٧. وهوَ يَدري أنَّ الذرائِعَ في الجو
دِ دروعٌ تبقي عَلى الأَعراضِ