1. I sought the rising sun with song
And it rose until the gloom of poverty was erased
١. فشرَّقت أبغي مطلع الشمس بالغنى
وقد أشرقَت حتى امَّحَت ظُلمةُ الفقرِ
2. What I left behind was like what I found
As if I were a messenger between sea and sea
٢. وشاكلَ ما خلَّفتُه ما وجدتُه
كأني بَريدٌ بين بَحر إلى بحرِ
3. But the one whose springs are sweet and secure
Does not fear the inhabited sights with gratitude
٣. ولكنَّ ذا عذب المواردِ آمن ال
مقاصد معمور المشاهِد بالشكرِ
4. He has ships that turned back the winds' judgments
And went as they willed and as he willed they flowed
٤. له سفنٌ ردَّت على الريح حُكمَها
فصارَت بما شاءَت وشاءَ لها تَجري
5. Their cargo between abundant glory
And ample character and abundant prosperity
٥. حَمولتُها ما بينَ مجدٍ مؤثَّلٍ
إلى خُلُقٍ رَحبٍ إلى نائلٍ غَمرِ
6. I spent time in its lowliness and it spent me
Gambling while victory is with the father of victory
٦. صرفتُ بأدناها الزمانَ وصرفهُ
مجازَفةً والنصرُ حيث أبو النصرِ