
I saw the branch leaning askew,

رأيت الغصن معتسفا

1. I saw the branch leaning askew,
And the sand dunes riding away.

١. رأَيتُ الغُصنَ معتَسِفا
ودِعصَ الرَّملِ مُرتَدِفا

2. I thought their difference might hinder them,
Yet they differed not in their going away.

٢. فَقُلتُ عَسى يعوقُهُما
اِختلافهُما وما اِختَلَفا

3. So I dismissed my conjectures,
By what I saw, and went away turning back.

٣. فصرَّفتُ الظنونَ بِما
رأَيتُ ورحتُ مُنصرِفا

4. And no use following after them,
When they had carried off what they had seized.

٤. وما يُغني اتِّباعهُما
وقد ذَهبا بما اِختَطَفا

5. A heart stuffed with passion,
Yet they left me but passion.

٥. فؤادٌ حَشوُهُ شَعَفٌ
وقد تَركا ليَ الشَّعَفا

6. And a persistent misfortune,
Besets me for losing who went before.

٦. ونائِبةٍ مُواظِبَةٍ
عليَّ بفَقدِ من سَلَفا

7. As if the noblest two went away,
Not leaving an heir behind.

٧. كأَنَّ الأَكرَمينَ مَضَوا
وَلَم يَستَخلِفوا خَلَفا

8. A youth like water, augmenting
Only in softness and clearness.

٨. فتىً كالماءِ لا يَزدا
دُ إلا رِقَّةً وَصَفا

9. And whose heat doesn't dry up
Except every refined one.

٩. وما يَجفو على الحَدثا
نِ إلا كُلُّ من لَطُفا

10. You remained for the raider of the sand dunes
To hide all that was uncovered.

١٠. بَقيتَ لِطارقِ الحَدثا
نِ تَسترُ كُلَّ ما كَشَفا

11. And you lived for the like of this day
So it would keep its glory.

١١. وعِشتَ لِمِثلِ هَذا اليَو
مِ كَي تَبقى لَه شَرَفا

12. And it returned to you enwrapped
In the garment of good fortune enfolded.

١٢. وَعادَ عَلَيكَ مُشتَمِلاً
بِثَوبِ السَّعدِ مُلتَحِفا

13. So your sufficiency in the sons of this world
Is their praise of you, and that's enough.

١٣. فحَسبُكَ مِن بَني الدُّنيا
ثَناؤكَ بينَهم وَكَفى