1. When the writer binds his reed,
And the flowing tears descend,
١. إِذا ما عَقَدَ الكاتِم
وحَلَّ المَدمَعُ السَّاجِم
2. Between them may arise whatever you wish,
Of censure or blame.
٢. نَشا بَينَهما ما شِئ
تَ من واشٍ ومِن لائِم
3. As for my state after you,
God knows best about it.
٣. فأمّا حالَتي بَعدَكَ
فَاللَّهُ بِها عالِم
4. A heart plunging into fire,
Not hesitating to dive in.
٤. فُؤادٌ يَلج النَّارَ
فلا يُحجِمُ عَن جاحِم
5. An eye whose tears constantly flow,
Forever streaming.
٥. وعَينٌ لا يَزالُ الصَّو
بُ مِن دِيمتِها دائِم
6. For with the water of intimacy,
Its water was sustained.
٦. فقَد كانَ بماءِ الوَص
لِ فيها ماؤها قائِم
7. But when the water was cut off,
It overflowed on the swift.
٧. وفاضَ الماءُ لَمَّا
عَزَبَ الماءُ عَلى الحائِم
8. You are not merciful to it,
After all this.
٨. وما أنتَ لَه مِن بَع
دِ هَذا كلِّه راحِم
9. If one who sought drink like the people of Darim came to you,
I see worry constantly accompanying,
٩. ولَو جاءَكَ يَستَسقي
بِما استَسقَى بنُو دارِم
10. Regret over its separation.
So explain to me what separated,
١٠. أرَى الهَمَّ ندِيماً ما
عَلى فُرقَتِهِ نادِم
11. Worry from the tranquil one.
With a cup whose fatherhood,
١١. فعَلِّلني بما فَرَّقَ
بَين الهَمِّ والهائِم
12. Was neglected by a sleeping heedless one.
So I do not reckon anything else,
١٢. بكَاسٍ عُتِّقَت والدَّه
رُ عَنها غافِلٌ نائِم
13. Safe from its dispensation.
Who was with me in the presence,
١٣. فما أحسَبُ شَيئاً غَي
رَها مِن صَرفهِ سالِم
14. Of the Sheikh, Father of Al-Qassim.
Does the wolf attack,
١٤. ومَن كانَ مَعي في حَض
رَةِ الشَّيخ أبي القاسِم
15. The young lambs in their thicket?
A young man, if fate deprives,
١٥. هَل الذِّئبُ عَلى الضِّرغا
مِ في غابَتِهِ هاجِم
16. Time restores the deprived.
I see times which,
١٦. فَتىً إن أعدَمَ الواجِدَ
دَهرٌ أوجَدَ العادِم
17. The arriving latecomer laments over.
So if one passes by it, he passes,
١٧. أرَى أزمِنَةً يَندُبُ
فِيها الرّاحِلُ القادِم
18. Waiting apprehensively.
And it makes him swerve, even if he was,
١٨. فإِن مَرَّ بهِ مَرَّ
بِهِ مُرتَقِباً واجِم
19. Determined to continue his course.
Opposing, clinging, and imposing,
١٩. ويَثنِيهِ ولو كانَ
عَلى ما سَرَّه عازِم
20. What is not necessary.
Transgressing, and for the servile one,
٢٠. خِلافاً واعتِسافاً وال
تِزاماً ليسَ باللازِم
21. To transgress upon the servant.
When the roaming thought,
٢١. وعدواناً ولِلمَخدُو
مِ أن يَعدُو عَلى الخادِم
22. Dictates to the arranging pen.
It built between them your merit,
٢٢. إذا ما الخاطِرُ النِّاثِ
رُ خانَ القَلَم النَّاظِم
23. A covenant none can destroy.
You superseded the Arabs with the non-Arabs,
٢٣. بَنَى بَينَهما فَضلُ
كَ عَهداً ما لَه هادِم
24. So there is no Kaʿb or Hatim.
You are today for the wealth,
٢٤. نَسَختَ العُربَ بالعُجمِ
فلا كَعبٌ ولا حاتِم
25. And whoever is generous with it, an oppressor.
Suspicions sometimes walk,
٢٥. فأنتَ اليومَ لِلمالِ
ومن جادَ بهِ ظالِم
26. With judgment casting them.
So they walk after they were,
٢٦. مَساعٍ ربَّما يَمشي
على الظنِّ بِها الرَّاجِم
27. Upright, perfect camels.
٢٧. فيَمشي بعدَ ما كانَ
نَجِيباً جَمَلاً رازِم