1. Our house is a house between us that is frequented
And love in its conversation wavers
١. دار ما دار بيننا وتردَّد
والهوى من حديثه يتردَّد
2. We parted and I did not sleep while I was remembering
What is renewed after the night companions
٢. وافترقنا ولم أنم وأنا أذ
كرُ بعد السهاد ما يتجدَّد
3. So wait for me, it is little while you are with the people you will see me as I say and you witness
I ignite disputes, I love the softest side, I writhe, I sing, I rave, I advance
٣. فانتظِرني أقل وأنتَ مع النا
سِ تراني كما أقولُ وتشهَد
4. He passed me loathing from hunting except
That in his loathing he hunts
٤. وألدِّ الخصام أحوى أحم الط
طَرفِ ألوى أغنَّ أهيف أغيَد
5. By my father you are how you became from intimacy loathing while you were born among us
The company of love helped with the trade
٥. مر بي نافراً من الصيدِ إلا
أنَّه في نفورِه يَتصيَّد
6. So it was easy for the young man what he got accustomed to
So give me a drink like what his two eyes gave me
٦. بأبي أنت كيف صرت من الوح
شِ نفاراً وأنت فينا مُولَّد
7. From the sheikh it is derived purely
A daughter of fire I took from him by transmitting
٧. نفعت صحبةُ الهوى بالتجاري
بِ فسهلٌ على الفتى ما تعوَّد
8. And I collared her sheikh what he collared
And by this I supported her when
٨. فاسقِني مثل ما سقاني بعَينَي
هِ حَنيفيَّةً عن الشيخِ تُسنَد
9. Al-Mubarak bin Muhammad looked at her
I said by opinion and inference but
٩. بنت نارٍ أخذتها عنه بالنق
لِ وقلَّدتُ شيخها ما تقلَّد
10. The opinion of the judge Al-Sarouji Ahmed was
And it is from what I reckoned
١٠. وبهذا نصرتها حين ناظر
تُ عليها المبارك بنَ محمَّد
11. From his hands and counted them and how they are counted
Long he was generous to me and he thought
١١. قلت بالرأي والقياسِ ولكن
كان رأيُ القاضي السروجيِّ أحمَد
12. That generosity wears out over time so he renewed
With an oath that lasted and how many days
١٢. وهو مما احتَسَبتُه من أيا
ديهِ وعدَّدتها وكيفَ تُعدَّد
13. Strike me with it and how much he is patient
He did good to me so I spoke good
١٣. طالما جاد لي وظنَّ بأن ال
جودَ يَبلى مع الزمانِ فجدَّد
14. So we resembled and it was said he was generous and he obliged
And if each builder of the extended
١٤. بيمينٍ طالت وكم يضربُ ال
أيامَ عني بها وكم يتجلَّد
15. Pride over the people with the short enumeration
He remains building and does not limit the height
١٥. أحسنَ الفعل بي فأحسنتُ قَولاً
فاشتبَهنا فقيل جاد وجَوَّد
16. And width and each verse is delimited
If I have said I have said what corrupts the people's
١٦. وإذا اعتدَّ كل بانٍ من المج
دِ على الناسِ بالقَصيرِ المعدَّد
17. Sayings when it is recited
I explain the loss and the evidence is little
١٧. ظلَّ يبني ولا يحدّ ارتفاعاً
واتساعاً وكل بيتٍ يحدَّد
18. In my path and sometimes it is not found
١٨. إن أنا قلتُ قلتُ ما يفسِد النا
سَ أقاويلَهم إذا كان ينشَد
١٩. أبسطُ التيه والدليلُ قليلٌ
في طريقي وربَّما ليسَ يُوجَد