
His flowing tears have become accustomed to streaming,

أصار يألف فيض الدمع مدمعه

1. His flowing tears have become accustomed to streaming,
Not to be held back from the beauty of patience.

١. أصارَ يألفُ فيضَ الدَّمع مَدمَعُه
أم الأسى عن جميلِ الصَّبرِ يَردَعُهُ

2. Once the keeper of secrets, his eyes now scatter
What they used to gather so discretely before.

٢. قد كانَ مُجتَمَع الأَسرارِ كاتِمَها
ففرَّقت عينُهُ ما كانَ يَجمعُهُ

3. Whenever he tries to hold back his tears,
His longing rises against him, refusing restraint.

٣. وكلَّما رامَ منعَ الدَّمع عارَضَهُ
في منعِه عارِضٌ للشوقِ يمنعُهُ

4. It's as if he has many hearts filled with love
And each day bids farewell to another one.

٤. كأنَّه ذو قلوبٍ في الهَوى كَثُرت
وكلّ يَومٍ له قَلبٌ يودِّعُهُ

5. No tie of union remains unbroken by fate,
Doubtless, estrangement will sever it soon enough.

٥. ما حبلُ وَصلٍ تَراهُ الدهر متَّصلاً
إلا ولا شَكَّ أنَّ البَينَ يَقطعُهُ

6. No gleam of sunshine appears in the world
Without the sun from which its radiance first shone.

٦. ولا نَرى نورَ شمسٍ في الوَرى طَلعَت
إلا ومِن عِند شَمسٍ كانَ مطلعُهُ

7. For the Hashemites, renown comes easily, like
Victory for the counselor son of Ali.

٧. لهاشمٍ في النَّدى سَبقُ الرهانِ كَما
للناصِح بن عليٍّ مِنهُ أسرعُهُ