1. This forgetfulness has lasted too long were it not for remembering
And remembering is the lesser of two in my estimation
١. طالَ هذا النسيانُ لولا التَناسي
والتَّناسي أدناهُما في قِياسي
2. By my life, I have looked with the light of God
At people worthy of that quotation
٢. ولعَمري لَقد نَظرتُ بنورِ ال
لَّهِ أهلاً بذلك الاقتباسِ
3. If I were among people with God
I would not live after people's death
٣. أنا لَو أنَّني من الناسِ عندَ ال
لَّهِ ما عِشتُ بعدَ مَوتِ الناسِ