
You escaped my torment and grief through death,

نجوت بالموت من وجدي ومن شجني

1. You escaped my torment and grief through death,
Yet sorrows that do not leave me have been relieved by you.

١. نَجوتَ بالموتِ من وَجدي ومن شَجَني
وبَرَّحَت بي همومٌ ليسَ تَبرَحُني

2. O you whose death has made me envious,
My envy ceased for those who envied me.

٢. يا مَن بمَصرعِه أمسيتُ أحسُدُه
فَكَفَّ عَن حَسَدي من كانَ يَحسُدُني

3. Your day was so long that it became an era,
While we reckoned it a day in time.

٣. لطالَ يومُكَ حتَّى أنَّه زَمنٌ
ونحنُ نَحسبُه يَوماً من الزَّمَنِ

4. A day in which my sighs mounted, O Ali,
And my tears seemed graceful, O Father of Hasan.

٤. يومٌ عَلَت زَفَراتي يا عليُّ به
واستحسنت عَبراتي يا أبا الحَسَنِ

5. Patience is the first resort of one mourning you, so is there
Anything besides patience that would dissuade me from grief?

٥. والصَّبرُ أوَّلُ مَحزُونٍ عليكَ فهَل
شَيءٌ سِوَى الصَّبرِ يَثنِينِي عَن الحَزَنِ

6. O you lying dead in shrouds, how many a liver
Have you left dead without a shroud!

٦. يا أيُّها المَيتُ في الأكفانِ كَم كبدٍ
تركتَ صاحِبَها مَيتاً بلا كَفَنِ

7. You have left in my eyes an image that makes me imagine
After decay that what had been was not.

٧. خَلَّفتَ في ناظِري شَخصاً يُخيِّلُ لي
بَعدَ الرَّدَى أنَّ ما قد كانَ لم يَكُنِ

8. Death did not make me despair,
As if it were a habit amongst the bent.

٨. ما لِلمَنيَّةِ لَيسَت منكَ تُؤيِسُني
كأنَّها عادةٌ كانَت من الوَسَنِ

9. Fate judged the two judges in you with what
It had ruled of its past tyranny in its ways.

٩. قَضى عَلى القاضِيَينِ الدَّهرُ فيكَ بما
أجراهُ من جورِه الماضِي على سَنَنِ

10. And it is death. So if it comes first, no wonder!
People are pawned in the wake of the pawned.

١٠. وهي المنُونُ فإن تَسبِق فَلا عَجبٌ
والناسُ مُرتَهنٌ في أثرِ مُرتَهَنِ