1. Like an upright spear in beauty, he changed my state of beauty.
I'm accustomed to love the resolute one who sheds men's blood.
١. مِثلُ القَضيبِ عَلى اعتِدالِ
في الحُسنِ غَيَّر حُسنَ حالي
2. And if I complained, I wouldn't want along with the complaint, even if it elegized me,
Out of fear for my health and body from fading away in his love.
٢. إِنِّي لَمُعتادٌ هَوَى المُع
تادِ سَفكَ دَم الرِّجالِ
3. So they are my two pleasures that hasten to my union
And keep me from trysts that would be marred by delays.
٣. وَإِذا شَكَوتُ فَما أَوَد
دُ معَ الشَّكيَّة لو رَثى لي
4. They have no words, and know nothing but the act,
As if they had taken a pledge of loyalty from my father the sublime.
٤. خَوفاً عَلى سُقمي وَجِسمي
في هَواهُ منَ الزَّوالِ
5. Alas, between them and his loyalty is a far reach.
The bosom friends night and day, and both of them,
٥. فَهُما أَليفايَ اللَّذا
نِ يُسارِعانِ إِلَى وِصالِي
6. Whatever is between command and compliance.
His manners were gentle and tender, so they are like clear water,
٦. وَينزِّهانِي عَن مَوا
عيدٍ تُكَدَّرُ بِالمِطالِ
7. And his qualities the ode slowed under their weight and length.
Of the people of Haydarah, who were accustomed to gift giving,
٧. لا قَولَ عِندَهُما ولَي
سا يَعرِفانِ سِوى الفِعالِ
8. So their palms have come in the morning to hope for his honors.
٨. حتَّى كأنَّهُما استَملا
مِن وَفاءِ أَبي المَعالِي
٩. هَيهاتَ بَينَهُما وَبَي
نَ وَفائِه بُعدُ المَنالِ
١٠. تربُ النَّدى وحَليفُها
أَبَداً عَلى مَرِّ اللَّيالي
١١. وَمَليكُها وَكِلاهُما
ما بَينَ أَمرٍ وَامتِثالِ
١٢. أَخلاقُه عذُبَت وَرَق
قَت فَهيَ كَالماءِ الزُّلالِ
١٣. وَصِفاتُه شَكتِ القَصي
دُ لثِقلِها طولَ الكَلالِ
١٤. مِن آلِ حَيدَرةِ الذي
نَ تَعَوَّدوا بَذلَ النَّوالِ
١٥. فَأَكُفُّهُم قَد أَصبَحَت
تَرجُو أَنامِلَها العَزالي