
My people and neighbors turned against me,

صددت ولي في الناس أهل وجيران

1. My people and neighbors turned against me,
Driven away by blame and defiance.

١. صَدَدتِ ولي في النَّاسِ أهلٌ وجِيرانُ
فَصَدَّهمُ عنِّي ملامٌ وعِصيانُ

2. What can the mighty do when they spurn him?
Is not all, without youthfulness, estrangement?

٢. فَما لِعزيزٍ منكِ قد هانَ مِنهُمُ
أما كلُّه لولا الصَّبابةُ هِجرانُ

3. Seeing my devotion for you, they hardened
Against me, but when I would not yield, they softened.

٣. رَأَوني شَديداً في هَواكِ فَشَدَّدُوا
عَليَّ فلمَّا لَم ألِن لهُمُ لانُوا

4. Leave me be, for I am worse when possessed,
And to me, without kindness, evil is the same.

٤. ذَرِيني فإنِّي شَرُّ من تَملِكِينَهُ
وكالشرِّ عندي حينَ لم يَك إحسانُ

5. Do you not see me, when they broke their word,
I did to them what I would have done, or they betrayed?

٥. ألستِ تَريني إذ وَفَوا بنَصِيحَتي
فعلتُ بهم ما كنتُ أفعلُ أو خانُوا

6. At a farewell I marveled at its fire,
Though branches of acacia were planted in it.

٦. ومَوقِف تَوديعٍ عجبتُ لِنارِه
وقد غُرِسَت فيها مِن البانِ أغصانُ

7. It bore the moons of every starry night,
But for the distance between us, the acacia did not.

٧. وقد حَملَت أقمارَ كلِّ دُجُنَّةٍ
ولكن لشَحطِ البَينِ ما حَملَ البانُ

8. How amazing a fire of farewell it was,
Remaining with me, not revealing itself as they did.

٨. فَواحَرَّتا ما بالُ نارِ وَداعِهم
أقامَت مَعي ألا تَبِينَ كما بانُوا

9. Were not those days, in their similarities,
Afraid that Sulayman in his generosity

٩. أما كانَتِ الأيَّامُ فيما تَشُبُّها
تَخافُ عَليها أن يَجودَ سُليمانُ

10. Would quench them in the palms of his hands,
Whose pavilions persist and wander?

١٠. فيُخمِدَها من جُودِ كفَّيهِ عارِضٌ
له هَملانٌ لا يَزالُ وتَهتانُ

11. A brother of strife has become for people strife,
As does the one infatuated with glory, the seducer.

١١. أخو فِتنَةٍ قد صارَ للنَّاسِ فتنةً
بِها وكَذا المَفتونُ بالمَجدِ فَتَّانُ

12. Between them is what no separation has troubled
Nor a diversion interrupted, however long the indifference.

١٢. وبينَهما ما لم تُكدِّرهُ فُرقَةٌ
ولم يَعترِض فيه وإن طالَ سِلوانُ

13. A loving bond parted from it is happiness,
And no sorrows ever part from one who does good.

١٣. علاقَةُ حُبٍّ فارَقَتها مَسرَّةٌ
وما فارَقَت قَطُّ المحسِّنَ أحزانُ

14. If one day you say, “He was a doer,”
Believe me, deeds prove words true.

١٤. إذا كنتَ يوماً قائلاً كان فاعِلاً
يُصدِّقُني والفِعلُ للقَولِ بُرهانُ

15. No home stands unless a foundation for it
Exists, of the praised one, lasting and pillars.

١٥. فليسَ يَقومُ البيتُ ما لم يَقُم لَه
أساسٌ من المَمدُوح باقٍ وأركانُ

16. O Father of humankind, stop where you ended with dew,
For what goes beyond this is injustice and aggression.

١٦. أبا البِشرِ قِف حيثُ انتهيتَ من النَّدى
فَما جازَ هذا فهوَ جَورٌ وعُدوانُ

17. If you stand with the noble and follow
Their path in what you do, it was not thus they were.

١٧. فإن كنتَ تَقفُو الأكرَمينَ وتَقتَدي
بهِم في الذَّي تأتي فما هكَذا كانُوا