1. My patience only stayed to depart
A grief that causes the lovers my excuse
١. ما أقامَت إلا لترحل صَبري
لوعةٌ توجدُ العواذلَ عُذري
2. So the cheeks of the veiled ones did not show
A blemish while in my chest is its dwelling
٢. فلذاتِ الخمارِ ما أظهرَ الخَد
دانِ منها ولي مضمنُ صدري
3. The deafness of desertion has left my heart perplexed
And it in body is made of water and wine
٣. أخت صمِّ الصفا فؤاداً لشَك
واكَ وفي الجسم بنتُ ماءٍ وخمرِ
4. It knew its beauty so it made it
Languid to my infatuation lifelong
٤. عرفَت حسنَها فأكسبها ذا
كَ فتوراً لفِتنَتي طولَ عُمري
5. And her glance that enchanted me
So she is bewitched by my heart's spell
٥. ودَهاها من طَرفها ما دَهاني
فهي مسحورةُ الفؤادِ بسِحري
6. And she agreed on a pact and put forward a
Favor like a perfidious person's betrayal
٦. وعدَت ذمةً وقدَّمَت المَن
نَ كغادٍ قبل الذمامِ بغدرِ
7. And if she fulfills it, it's a pittance
And from generosity, one should give generously
٧. وإذا ما وفَت به فهو نزرٌ
ومن الجود أن تجودَ بنَزرِ
8. She has regarded greeting people
As a gift, not like Hussein ibn Bashir
٨. أصبحَت تَحسَب السلام على النا
سِ نوالاً لا كالحسينِ بن بشرِ
9. Visit her to gain by what she gives generously
Singing away from all people with gratitude and thanks
٩. زرهُ تكسَب بما يجودُ غناءً
عن جَميع الورى وشُكراً بشكرِ
10. You will not find it your whole life except
With an apology for what you have scattered
١٠. لستَ تلقاه طولَ دهرِك إلا
ذا اعتذارٍ مما به أنتَ مُثرِ
11. So it has, since reaching the dew, shunned wealth
Thus glory is between connection and abandonment
١١. فهوَ مذ واصل الندى هجر الما
لَ كذا المجدُ بين وصلٍ وهجرِ
12. I swore by the Kaaba of glorious deeds I shall
Not stand but for it as long as my life remains
١٢. حَلفت كعبة المكارِم لا قُم
تُ لبانٍ سِواهُ ما قامَ دَهري
13. And to it I made pilgrimage but my
Pilgrimage substitutes for my rites within it is my poetry
١٣. وإليها حجَجت لكن حجِّي
عِوضٌ عن مَناسكي فيه شِعري
14. And the most high Abu Ali is a steed
Prudent, that only yields to the free
١٤. والمَعالي أبا عليٍّ حصانٌ
حرَّةٌ لا تذِلُّ إلا لحُرِّ
15. And with its noblewomen it is escorted and some
Of them, as I have known with my intellect
١٥. وبأترابها تُزَفُّ ومنهن
نَ كما قد علِمتها بنتُ فِكري