1. Aim for virtuous deeds, until you are called
What souls agree upon unanimously
١. هِمتَ بالمكرُماتِ حتَّى تَسمَّي
ت بِما تُجمعُ النُّفوسُ عَليهِ
2. Every soul has hopes from God
When morning comes, it points to Him
٢. كلُّ نَفسٍ لها رَجاءٌ مِن ال
لهِ إذا اصبحَت تُشيرُ إِلَيهِ
3. Let difficulties cease, if you can
And turn to me the faces of generosity from both its sides
٣. فلتَسدَّ الخُطوبُ إن قَدرَت عَن
ني وجُوهَ العَطاءِ من جانِبَيهِ
4. So with both His hands, conjecture led me
To a Giver with both His hands
٤. فبكِلتا يَديهِ قادَني الظَّن
نُ إلى واهبٍ بِكِلتا يَدَيهِ