1. The breeze left traces of the riders
Hidden, resembling your guarded secret
١. أبقَى الرَّسِيمُ من الرِكابِ رُسُوما
تخفَى فتُشبِهُ سِرَّكَ المَكتُوما
2. I see what separation commits of crimes
Except you have taken the wary, all together
٢. وأراكَ ما يَجني الفِراقُ جِنايةً
إلا أخَذتَ بِها المهارَى الكُوما
3. And when your longing flowed, you lost it
Wronged, or the wronged is given justice
٣. وإذا اشتِياقُكَ جارَ جرت فقدتَها
مَظلُومَةً أو يُنصِفَ المَظلُوما
4. You determined, exerting determined resolve
As if the mother of tranquility were not barren
٤. وعزَمت فاستَفرَغتَ عزماً لاقِحاً
لو لم تكُن أُمُّ السُّلُوِّ عَقِيما
5. A veiled one, they feared for him, and if he appeared
To people, the fear of him would be general
٥. ومُحجَّبٍ خافُوا عليهِ ولو بَدا
للنَّاسِ كانَ الخَوفُ مِنه عُمُوماً
6. Eyes cast upon souls his discourse
And return the gesture and comprehension
٦. تُلقِي العُيونُ على النُّفوسِ حَديثَهُ
وتُرجَّع التَّوقِيفَ والتَّفهِيما
7. Until when she knew him, he became events
And you see there the taking and the giving
٧. حتَّى إذا عَرَفته صارَ حَوادِثاً
وتَرى هُناكَ القَبضَ والتَّسلِيما
8. So it's as if in what they did wrong, they did good
They veiled with his veil the inevitable calamity
٨. فكأنَّهم فيما أساؤوا أحسَنُوا
حَجَبُوا بحَجبَتِهِ الرَّدى المَحتُوما
9. They extended over the wild beast of the empty quarter a canopy
I see it when I see the sand dune
٩. مُدُّوا عَلى وَحشِ الفَلاةِ سُرادِقاً
إنِّي أراهُ إذا رَأيتُ الرِّيما
10. And one turning his house away from the raiders
For ages, and does not count anything precious
١٠. ومُعرّضٍ للطَّارِقينَ بِبَيتِهِ
طُولَ الزَّمانِ وما يُعدُّ كَرِيما
11. We walked, and the sky revealed its stars
And he strove, and revealed in the cups, stars
١١. رُحنا وأطلَعتِ السَّماءُ نُجُومَها
وسَعَى فأطلَعَ في الكُؤوسِ نُجُوما
12. I said, hurl into each heart an ember
For the devil of hearts has become banished
١٢. قلتُ ارمِها في كلِّ قَلبٍ جَذوَةً
قد صارَ شَيطانُ القُلوبِ رَجيما
13. So it's as if they were from the fire of Abraham
Or they mentioned the son of Abraham
١٣. فكأنَّها مِن نارِ إبراهيمَ أو
دارَت عَلى ذِكرِ ابنِ إبراهِيما
14. And they recalled noble traits planted with generosity
That if squeezed, would drip syrup
١٤. فَتَذاكروا شِيماً غرسنَ مكارِماً
لو يُعتَصَرنَ لَخِلتَهنَّ كُرُوما
15. Then they dispersed with talk of yesterday and what has passed
As if they found in it the nonexistent
١٥. ثمَّ انتَشَوا بَحديثِ أمسِ وما مَضَى
فكأنَّهم وجَدوا بِه المَعدُوما
16. And when his qualities flowed like drink
They did not find except a cupbearer and boon companion
١٦. وإذا جَرَت مَجرى الشَّرابِ صِفاتُهُ
لم تَلقَ إلا ساقِياً ونَدِيما
17. And for that reason I did not, in praising him
Reach except to make known the known
١٧. ولأجلِ ذلكَ ما بَلغتُ بِمَدحِهِ
إلا إلى أن أعلَمَ المَعلُوما
18. And when I thought that I innovated him
I found one who knew the discourse to be old
١٨. وإِذا ظَننتُ بأَنَّني استَحدَثتُهُ
ألفيتُ مَن عَرفَ الحَديثَ قَدِيما
19. And virtues I made my poetry run between
To complete the allotment and division
١٩. ومناقبٍ أجريتُ شِعري بينها
ليُكمِّل التَّوزِيعَ والتَّقسِيما
20. And I saw him incapable of bearing that
So I excused him and turned from him, blamed
٢٠. ورَأيتُه عَن حَملِ ذلكَ عاجِزاً
فَعذَرتُه ورَجَعتُ عَنه مَلُوما
21. Between leadership and politics is a position
You became, alone in its houses, resident
٢١. بينَ الرِّئاسَةِ والسِّياسَةِ مَنزلٌ
أصبَحتَ وَحدكَ في ذُراهُ مُقِيما
22. And you began to do like what the high ones did
Of it, so you take tribulations as opponents
٢٢. وَجَعلتَ تَفعَلُ مثلَ ما فَعلَ الألى
منهُ فَتَتَّخذ الخُطُوبَ خُصُوما
23. And if you had kept to the old, the high ones suffice
For the old necessitates the precedence
٢٣. ولَو اقتَصرتَ عَلى القَديم كَفى العُلى
إنَّ القَديِمَ لَيُوجبُ التَّقدِيما
24. For the events with me is an ambiguous discourse
The day has become, because of it, confused for me
٢٤. للحادِثاتِ مَعي حَديثٌ مُبهَمٌ
أضحَى النَّهارُ عليَّ مِنه بَهيما
25. My craft is Arabic, and it is as if I
Cast off most of what I made, foreign
٢٥. وصِناعَتي عَربِيَّةٌ وكأنَّني
ألقَى بأكثرِ ما صَنَعتُ الرُّوما
26. So for whom do I speak, and what do I say, and where am I
Do I walk, or not, where am I, do I stay
٢٦. فَلِمَن أقولُ وما أقولُ وأينَ بِي
فأسيرَ أو لا أينَ بِي فأُقيما
27. And if I complain to a man of what befell me
And say, he gets angry that I see him forbearing
٢٧. وإِذا شَكوتُ إلى امرِىءٍ ما حَلَّ بي
وأَقولُ يغضَبُ أن أراهُ حَلِيما