
He has passed judgment, but his justice did not appease us,

قضى ولم يقضنا من عدله وطرا

1. He has passed judgment, but his justice did not appease us,
And the one who lightly blames the dead is despised.

١. قَضى ولم يَقضِنا من عَدله وطَرا
وكان هَيناً ملامُ المَيتِ محتَقَرا

2. Enough! I cannot control fate if it acts against you,
Though passion might have coincided with destiny.

٢. كُفَّا فَما أقدَر الأيامَ لو فَعَلَت
عليكُم والهَوى لو وافَقَ القَدَرا

3. God does not abandon the patient; He comes to their aid.
What flees faster than what turns and is victorious?

٣. لا يُبعد اللَهُ صَبراً كان ينجدُه
ما كانَ أسرعَ ما ولَّى وما انتَصرا

4. I set it to wander in passion; my heart deserted me.
It never forbade or ordered anything in my heart.

٤. ولَّيتُه في الهَوى قَلبي فَفارَقَني
وما نَهى قطُّ في قَلبي ولا أَمَرا

5. Like a gambler without money, tears streamed down her cheeks,
When treachery tore off her necklaces.

٥. وكاعِبٍ عاطلٍ حلَّت مَدامعُها
عَنها قَلائِدَها لما جَرت غدرا

6. As if its beauty's collar were cast for it
From his pearls, but it refused to carry gems,

٦. كأنَّما جيدُها في الحُسنِ صاغَ لها
من دُرِّهِ فأَبَت أن تحملَ الدُّرَرا

7. Or were molded from some of what the tears of
My master al-Astar dispersed as an apology.

٧. أو صيغَ من بعضِ ما أمسى يفرِّقُه
نَدى أبي الحَسنِ الأستاذِ مُعتَذِرا

8. One whose generosity does not keep anything in his coffers
Cannot be said to have gained and hoarded this or that.

٨. مَن ليسَ يُبقي نَداهُ في خَزائِنِه
شَيئاً يُقالُ اقتَنى هَذا ولا ادَّخرا

9. He spurs on his horse in raids, beginning
With a stab and blows before the horses rush.

٩. يُبادرُ الخيلَ في الغاراتِ مُبتَدئاً
بالطَّعنِ والضربِ قبلَ الخيلِ مُبتَدرا

10. That is so no enviers can say about him,
"What flees faster than what turns and is victorious?"

١٠. وذاك كَيلا يَقولَ الحاسِدون له
ما كان أسرَعَ ما ولَّى وما انتَصَرا

11. On a day of battle, from the length of how his spear is shattered,
It almost equals his sword in shortness.

١١. تكادُ يومَ الوَغى من طولِ ما انحطَمَت
قَناتُه أن تُساوي سَيفَه قِصَرا

12. A dark-lipped woman he defends lies hidden
In his breast, like the defense of the sleepless their sleeplessness.

١٢. سمراءُ يَحفَظُها المَطعون كامنةً
في صَدرِه مثلَ حِفظِ السامِر السَّمَرا