
No secret of his did any supplicant hear

لم تستمع سره من كل ملتمس

1. No secret of his did any supplicant hear
Until his tongue of tears was struck dumb

١. لم تستَمع سِرَّهُ من كلِّ مُلتَمِسِ
حتى أصابَ لِسانَ الدمعِ بالخرَسِ

2. And events have their own events in relating them
You know them, so give release or withhold

٢. وللشؤونِ شُؤونٌ في شَهادَتِها
وأنتَ تَعرفُها فاطلِق أو احتبِسِ

3. A watcher returned, after innocence, crestfallen
On account of the full moon's, not the crescent's, eclipse

٣. وناظرٍ عادَ بعدَ البرءِ مُنتكِساً
من أجلِ بدرِ تمامٍ غيرِ مُنتكِسِ

4. Did I not tell you not to attack by surprise?
I fear for you the muddling of the vile and the noble

٤. ألَم أقُل لكَ لا تهجم مفاجَأةً
أخشى عليكَ التباسَ الخيس بالكَنسِ

5. By stealth, after long despair, I slipped away
From one whose charms are sweeter than thefts

٥. وخلسَةٍ بعد طولِ اليأسِ فزتُ بها
ممَّن محاسِنُه أحلَى من الخُلسِ

6. From a fawn-eyed one, my cheek's constant friend, so gentle
That the sword has not feared his neighborhood, being unguarded

٦. من مُرهَفِ الطرفِ دامي الخدِّ دلَّ عَلى
أن جاورَ السَّيفَ منه غيرُ مُحتَرِسِ

7. Arriving at union, avoiding it, mingled therein
As if coupled with him in softness and trampling

٧. صابٍ إلى الوَصلِ نابٍ عنه ممتزجٍ
كأنَّه رِدفُه في اللين والدهَسِ

8. He disobeyed me, so let him not forget me; I'll remember him
I remembered him to God, between us, but he forgot

٨. عصى عليَّ فَلا ينسَي فأذكرُه
أذكرتُهُ اللَّهَ فيما بَينَنا فَنَسي

9. I see misfortunes pregnant wherever they are born
And the son of misfortunes is an orphan in Tripoli

٩. أرى الخطوبَ ثكولاً حيثُما وَلدت
وابنُ الخُطوبِ يتيمٌ في طَرابلُسِ

10. You who nearly stoned me in a verdant valley
Yesterday in a gray one of affliction

١٠. من كدت حجركَ في خَضراء من غَدَقٍ
وكان بالأمسِ في شَهباء من بلَسِ

11. You brought him down in a precinct not yet digested
O father of Hussein and unstinted provision

١١. أنزَلتَهُ في جَنابٍ غيرِ مُهتَضمٍ
أبا الحُسينِ ورِزقٍ غيرِ محتبسِ

12. You are of a party whose glories have furnished
Much occupation for pens and tablets

١٢. وأنتَ من مَعشرٍ جرَّت مناقِبُهم
شُغلاً طَويلاً عَلى الأَقلامِ والطرسِ

13. You ascend and draw near as their natures ascend
Like suns, but not being the sun

١٣. تَعلو فتَدنو كَما تَعلو خَلائقُهم
مثلَ الشُّموسِ ولكن ليسَ بالشمُسِ

14. Long have they risen out of the fire of their resolve
Meteors, and many a meteor unlit

١٤. وطالَما أطلَعوا من نارِ عَزمهم
شُهباً وربَّ شهابٍ غيرِ مُقتبَسِ

15. Their very selves refuse to halt for necessities
Until they wish their spirit could dispense with breath

١٥. تأبى الوقوفَ عَلى الحاجاتِ أنفسُهم
حتى تَودّ لو استَغنَت عن النَّفَسِ

16. A glory you rode, the lion of the lair, and yet
You distinguished not its roar from the whinny of a mare

١٦. عزٌّ ركبتَ به ليثَ العَرينِ فما
ميَّزتَ صَهوتَه عَن صَهوةِ الفرَسِ

17. Your throne endured upon auspicious, lofty aid
The lofty fortress, protecting them from that guard

١٧. وقامَ عرشُك بالسعدِ المُنيفِ عَلى
الحصنِ المنيفِ لَهم عَن ذلك الحَرسِ