
Seldom does time rule a person

ولقلما حكم الزمان

1. Seldom does time rule a person
Except it befalls him with misfortune

١. ولقلَّما حكمَ الزَّما
نُ عَلى امرئٍ إِلا وحافا

2. And I see its calamities secretly
Approaching softly when they seek me

٢. وأَرى نَوائِبَه سِرا
عاً حينَ تَطلبُني خِفافا

3. My gathered misfortunes, be kind
And come one by one, that's enough

٣. متَجمِّعاتٍ لي فكُن
تُ أعدُّ واحِدةً كَفافا

4. When a young man's night is long
His desires lead him to defy fate

٤. وإِذا الفَتى سَعتِ اللَّيا
لي في إِرادَتِه خِلافا

5. And so by its tyranny it has wronged him
The fair Hussain son of Al-Mu'afa

٥. وتعمَّدَته بجَورِها
عَدلَ الحُسين ابن المُعافى

6. So he now extends generosity's hand
To take revenge on its calamities

٦. فغدا يمدُّ يدَ العَطا
يا في نوائِبها انتِصافا