1. My reproacher's wish that I convey advice
To one accepting it was vain.
١. مَنيتُها تفرق مِن عَاذِلي
أَن يَحملَ النُّصحَ إِلى قابِلِ
2. You listen to some of his words
Don't be misled - I wasn't the doer.
٢. تُصغِي إِلَى بَعضِ أَقاويلِهِ
لا تفرَقي ما كُنتُ بِالفاعِلِ
3. I care for you deeply, so realize
My care, like one slain cares for his killer.
٣. إِنِّي بِكُم ذو ضِنَّةٍ فَاعجَبي
مِن ضِنَّةِ المَقتولِ بِالقاتِلِ
4. My reproacher, if he spake, has squandered
His words on an oblivious confidante.
٤. وَعاذِلي إِن قَالَ قَولاً فَقَد
ضَيَّعَه في والِهٍ ذاهِلِ
5. It's as if he imagined I'd recognize
Truth from falsehood in this affair of passion.
٥. كَأَنَّما خَيل ما بِي لَهُ
أَن يَعرِفَ الحَق مِنَ الباطِلِ
6. Oh heart, the turns of love have cast you
Distracted by the busyness of fervent passion.
٦. أَلقَتكَ يا قَلبُ صُروفُ الهَوى
ما بَينَها في شُغلٍ شاغِلِ
7. Bidding farewell to each departing lover
And welcoming each new arrival.
٧. تَشييعُكَ الرّاحلَ مِن مَنِّها
أَذىً وتَرحيبُكَ بِالنازِلِ
8. A lamenter lamenting the separation
Addressing the imminent, urgent separation.
٨. وَناعِبٍ بِالبَينِ مِن كَاعِبٍ
مخاطِبٍ عَن فَادِحٍ عَاجِلِ
9. Speaking to me plainly about her
No welcome to his words or him.
٩. يُفصِحُ لِي بِالقَولِ فِي بَينِها
لا مَرحَبا بِالقَولِ والقَائِلِ
10. Who will support me against the turns of love
For my patience with her is defeated?
١٠. مَن نَاصِري عِندَ صُروفِ الهَوى
فإنَّ صَبري عِندَها خاذِلِي
11. And if tomorrow it bears reproach for her
Al-Hussain son of Abu Talib would bear it.
١١. وَلَو غَدا يَحملُ فيها النَّدى
كانَ الحُسينُ ابنُ أَبي كامِلِ
12. It would squeeze its palms, pouring calamities
On its turns, like pouring heavy rain.
١٢. تَحلُبُ كَفَّاهُ وَبالاً عَلَى
صُروفِها كَالعارِضِ الوَابِلِ
13. It has, through its generosity and exceeding virtue
Become in the coast an endless ocean.
١٣. أَصبَحَ في الساحِلِ مِن جُودِهِ
وفَضلِه بَحراً بِلا ساحِلِ
14. If it brandishes a sword in battle
It outlasts the vanishing fate of death.
١٤. إِن مَدَّ باعَ البأسِ في مَعركٍ
طالَ فأَغناهُ عَن الذابِلِ
15. Or if it wields a blade from its principles
It hastens the arrival of inevitable death.
١٥. أَو هَز مِن آرائِه صارِماً
أدنَى حلُولَ الأَجلِ الآجِلِ
16. Abu Ali, describing her is a trait
Beyond the strength of any undertaker.
١٦. أبا عَليٍّ شِيَمٌ وَصفُها
تَضعُفُ عَنه قُوَّةُ الحامِلِ
17. I have distracted my thoughts with her for ages
Exerting myself without reaching any goal.
١٧. أشغَلتُ طولَ الدَّهرِ فِكري بِها
جَهدي ولَم أُصبِح علَى طائِلِ
18. Her qualities empower whoever lacks
Inclination to hoarding money.
١٨. مَناقِب أَمكَن مَن لَم يكُن
إِلى اختِزانِ المالِ بالمائِلِ
19. Whoever wants glory - and glory
Cannot be possessed except by a spending hand.
١٩. فمَن أرادَ المَجدَ والمجدُ لا
يملكُهُ إِلا يَدا باذِلِ
20. Is not high station but praise? And have you
Heard any praise for a miser?
٢٠. هَل العُلى إِلا ثناءٌ وهَل
تَسمعُ مَن يُثني عَلى باخِلِ