1. I sleep, though faultfinders blame me,
For sleeping and not greeting them.
١. أنامُ وما لائِمي
عن اللَّوم بالنائِمِ
2. How strange of the criticizer
To blame one asleep and blameless!
٢. فَوا عَجبَا للسَّلِي
مِ نامَ عَن السَّالِمِ
3. My inner secrets have rebelled
Against obeying the critic.
٣. وَصارِم حَبلِ الوصا
لِ يَنظُرُ مِن صارِمِ
4. Good fortune made them happy
With plentiful ever-flowing tears.
٤. سرائِرُه قد عَصَت
عَلى طاعَةِ اللائِمِ
5. Have you not seen that I complained
Of fire to the arsonist?
٥. وأسعَدَها مُسعِدٌ
مِن المَدمَع السَّاجِمِ
6. I complained to separation
Of the wrong of its endless estrangement.
٦. ألَم تَرَ أنِّي شَكَو
تُ ناراً إِلى ضارِمِ
7. I wished: if only I could return
To my unjust criticizer!
٧. شَكوتُ إلى البَينِ
ظُلم هِجرانِهِ الدَّائِمِ
8. How many resolves have become,
For the resolver, sheer calamity!
٨. وسِرتُ فيا لَيتَني
رُدِدتُ إلى ظَالِمي
9. But if the meeting with my father
Al-Qasim does not avail,
٩. فكَم عَزمةٍ أصبَحَت
وبالاً عَلى العازِمِ
10. A meeting which for the desperate one
Is water, and for the criticizer, wrath.
١٠. ولكِن إذا لَم تُفِد
لِقاءَ أبي القاسِمِ
11. He receives his visitors with a smile,
A guarantee for their hopes.
١١. لِقاءٌ هُو الماءُ لا
حَ لِلوارِدِ الحائِمِ
12. And so their debts are settled
By him without a judge.
١٢. وفي مَوقفٍ آخرٍ
هُو الغَيظُ لِلكاظِمِ
13. None can carry adversities
Like the hand of the decisive one!
١٣. يُواجِهُ زُوّارَهُ
بِمبتَسمٍ باسِمِ
14. When it is hung with the sword
From the scabbard erect on the belt.
١٤. فَتحصُلُ آمالُهم
عَلى ضامِنٍ غارِمِ
15. With it unsheathed, debts are settled
By Shibl without a judge.
١٥. إذا يَدُهُ عُلِّقَت
من النَّصلِ بالقائِمِ
١٦. تنجَّزَ شِبلٌ بها
دُيوناً بِلا حاكِمِ
١٧. وليسَ لحَملِ الحُسا
مِ مثلُ يَد الحاسِمِ