1. Shall I not complain to you, shall I complain
So listen when you expand me to listen
١. ألا أَشكو إليكَ نَعم سأَشكو
فأوسِع حينَ توسعُني استِماعا
2. Contemplate my page, for if I
Complain, I reveal my face without a mask
٢. تأمَّل صَفحتي إني إذا ما
شكوتُ كشفتُ عَن وَجهي القِناعا
3. And I have decided to spend the nights
With troubles longer than them trading
٣. وقد آليتُ أن ألقَى الليالي
بِأطولَ من نَوائِبهنَّ باعا
4. And that is a skill that excelled and so
It hits us, I called it beasts
٤. وتلكَ أليَّةٌ برَّت فصرَّت
تُضاربُنا دعوتُ لها سِباعا
5. A young man whose ambition commanded him and so he became
Obedient, then with it he became obeyed
٥. فتىً أمرَتهُ همَّتُه فأَمسى
مُطيعاً ثمَّ صارَ بها مُطاعا
6. And the young man comes near after elevation
His manners so he increases in elevation
٦. وقَد تُدني الفتَى بَعد ارتفاعٍ
خلائِقُه فيزدادُ ارتِفاعا
7. And how many attackers from the doubt of fate
I advised so he thought me deceitful
٧. وكم مُتَهجمٍ من رَيبِ دهرٍ
نصحتُ له فظنَّ بيَ الخِداعا
8. And I said to him, expose yourself to high places
The day after fear, and avoid the pit
٨. وقلتُ له تعرَّض للعَوالي
غداةَ الروعِ واجتَنب اليَراعا
9. He disobeyed so he fell, and I said to him, believe me
Advice has exceeded its place so is lost
٩. عصَى فهَوى فقلتُ له أقِلني
تَعدَّى النُّصح موضعَه فَضاعا
10. Abu Al-Faraj, make me some of those whom you
Have directed care and craft to
١٠. أبا الفرجِ اتَّخِذني بعضَ من قَد
صَرفتَ إلَيه هَمّاً واصطِناعا
11. I almost remain in the corners of my house
And my mention fills the world heard
١١. أكادُ أظلُّ في جَنباتِ بَيتي
ويَملأُ ذكري الدُّنيا سَماعا