1. Let the nights pass, for their injustice oppresses
As if they had not seen Ali
١. دع الليالي فلِلمعالي
حكمٌ على جَورها يَجورُ
2. In his hand worries and joys
From calamities to gifts
٢. كأنها ما رأت علِياً
في يده الهمُّ والسرورُ
3. The return of his palms and journey
If they extend an hour for a matter
٣. من المنايا إلى العطايا
ترداد كفَّيه والمسيرُ
4. Of an installed affair, events come after
For him from drinking when the night darkens
٤. إن سَعتا ساعةً لأمرٍ
مخيِّمٍ أخلفَت أمورُ
5. The night of tumultuous clamor grows long
In his two rests among them
٥. له من السُّمرِ حين يَدجو
ليل عجاجِ الوغى سميرُ
6. To the short necks of the enemies
What do you think it shows to whom it shows
٦. يطولُ في راحتَيه منها
إلى نحور العدى القصيرُ
7. Most of its ages are aloof
It has intoxicated him with wine
٧. ماذا تراهُ لمن تَراه
أكثَر إعراضَها الدهورُ
8. And after its setbacks it turns
And you are the excellent protector from it
٨. قد أسكرتُه على خُمارٍ
وبعدَ نكباتِها تَدورُ
9. You prevent if the protected surrenders
Are you pleased with him being preoccupied
٩. وأنت نعمَ المجيرُ منها
تمنعُ إن سلَّم المجيرُ
10. You have power over his preoccupation
No eye of his stole sleep
١٠. هل أنت راضٍ له بصرفٍ
أنتَ على صَرفِه قَديرُ
11. Except images came to him in it
As if his passion is a wing
١١. ما سرَقَت عينُه رُقاداً
إلا وأوردته فيه صورُ
12. With it he flies to its land
It has embraced him residing
١٢. كأنَّما شوقُه جناحٌ
به إلى أرضِها يطيرُ
13. Watching what the leader commands
١٣. قد ضمَّه واقعاً مقيماً
يرقُبُ ما يأمر الأميرُ