
May God reward the one who confided in you secretly,

لحا الله الذي استرعاك سراً

1. May God reward the one who confided in you secretly,
So you would conceal it, but God made him reveal it openly.

١. لَحا اللَّهُ الذي استَرعاك سِرّاً
لِتَكتمهُ وفَضَّ اللَّهُ فاهُ

2. For you are more revealing with what you were entrusted to hide,
Than clear glass containing what is inside.

٢. فإنَّكَ بالذي استُكتِمتَ فيه
أنَمُّ مِن الزُّجاجِ لِما حَواهُ