
The tear that once disobeyed now obeys you,

أطاعك الدمع الذي كان عصى

1. The tear that once disobeyed now obeys you,
So weep blood, if eyes can weep it.

١. أطاعكَ الدمع الذي كان عصى
فابكِ دماً ما أمكن العينَ البكا

2. And punish the eye with copious tears,
More deserving of punishment than one who committed a crime.

٢. وعاقبِ العينَ بدمعٍ هاطلٍ
أحقّ عندي بالعقاب من جَنى

3. Long has it winked in an eyelid,
Were it not for languor, I would say the eyelids of gazelles.

٣. فطالما أمرجته في حدقٍ
لولا الفتور قلت أحداقُ الظبى

4. Oh you who lived days of union in the past
Followed by the days of separation made by fate.

٤. يا لكِ من أيام وصلٍ سلفت
أعقبَها الدهرُ بأيام نوى

5. Nothing separates lovers after their union
Except like white hair falling on a youth.

٥. ما فرقة الأحباب بعد وصلِهم
إلا كشيبٍ واقعٍ معَ الصبي

6. If you tried to find solace in love
And could not bear it, then it is the sweetest love.

٦. إذا الهَوى حاولتَ منه سلوةً
ولم تطِقها فهو من أحلى الهوى

7. No lover is one whose heart
Seeks comfort away from his beloved.

٧. ليس المحب من إذا فواده
رام سُلواً عن أحباه سلا

8. A wrist with a silver bangle tomorrow
Filled inside with inserted pearls.

٨. وذات خلخالٍ من التبر غداً
من وضحِ الفضة محشواً حُلى

9. As if it is a rod of light revolving
Around it the rod of fire has revolved.

٩. كأنما قضيبُ نورٍ دائر
بدَورِه قضيبُ نارٍ قد أضا

10. It has a twist from its buttocks carrying it,
Of such slimness, too weak to carry the twist.

١٠. لها لوىً من رِدفها يحمله
ذو دقةٍ يضعفُ عن حمل اللوا

11. And a smile whose light flashed upon us,
Lightning, but lightning does not last.

١١. ومبسمٌ لاحَ لنا من ضَوئِه
بَرقٌ ولكن ليسَ للبرقِ بقا

12. A garden, its cover is its modesty,
A rose flower concealing itself with glances.

١٢. وروضةٌ برقعَها حياؤها
زهرة وردٍ باللحاظِ تجتَنى

13. And killing eyelashes in her glances,
Not fearing being led on a leash or harm.

١٣. ومقلةٌ قتالةٌ بلَحظِها
ليس تخاف قوداً ولا أذى

14. If she looked at her likeness in others,
Her appearance would clothe them in poverty.

١٤. لو نظرت مثالها في غيرها
ألبسها منظره ثوبَ الضنى

15. Delicate, you would think when it appears,
A shining crescent carrying the full moon.

١٥. وأهيفٍ تَحسبه إذا بدا
قضيبَ بانٍ حاملاً بدرَ دُجى

16. It brings together for the onlooker in its sight,
If it appears, the color of dawn and evening.

١٦. يجمعُ للناظِر في منظرِه
إذا بدا لونَ الصباح والمَسا

17. Two opposites met only in what
Mankind has reached of prosperity and bliss.

١٧. ضدان لم يجتمعا إلا لِما
سام الورى فيه منونٌ ومُنى

18. Her eyelids make betrayal of us seem good,
As if betrayal itself were loyalty among people.

١٨. تَستَحسنُ الغدر بنا أجفانُه
حتى كأن الغدر في الناسِ وفا

19. Her attributes have stamped on our minds,
As if she were of the people of the heavens, not the earth.

١٩. دقّت على أفهامِنا أوصافُه
كأنّه في الأرضِ من أهل السما

20. I changed my heart for another, and so
She disturbed me between does and grazing wildlife.

٢٠. بدلتُ من قلبي سواه فلقد
أقلقني بين ظباءٍ ومَهى

21. Bearing the burdens of love exerting effort,
Yet weak in patience, exhausted in strength.

٢١. يحمل أثقال الهوى مجتهداً
وهو ضعيف الصبر منهدّ القوى

22. If I do not remain except with misfortune,
Remaining has no merit over perishing.

٢٢. إن كنت لا أبقى بغير نكبةٍ
تبقى فما فضل البقا على الفنا

23. Every day I am between a betrayer
And one who hurries the cups of calamity.

٢٣. في كل يومٍ أنا بين غادرٍ
وهاجرٍ أكرع كاسات الردى

24. O fate, between us is a vengeance you seek
To accomplish through me or shed blood.

٢٤. أبيننا يا دهرُ ثارٌ تبتغي
إدراكه مني أم سفكُ دِما

25. In you there is no place for rebuke,
Hoping for success, except through praise and raving.

٢٥. ما فيكَ للعتبِ مكانٌ يرتجى
نجاحه إلا لمدحٍ وهجا

26. I complain to you of some of what I faced from you,
But does complaining benefit one who complained?

٢٦. أشكو إليك بعض ما لقيته
منكَ وهل تنفع شكوى من شكا

27. Whenever you deserted a clear time
Of my life, you made turbid what was clear.

٢٧. أكلَّما غادرتَ وقتاً صافياً
من عيشتي كدَّرت منه ما صفا

28. You take from my most beloved friends,
The most devoted and faithful when loyalty was rare.

٢٨. تأخذ من أحبّتي أصدقَهم
وداً وأوفاهم إذا عزّ الوفا

29. The darkest in my eyes was what was most shining,
None shined after al-Husayn bin Dhi Yazan.

٢٩. أظلمَ في عينيَّ ما كان أضا
فلا ضحى بعدَ الحسين بن ضحى

30. Civility and glory died in his death,
Eloquence perished and restrained itself.

٣٠. مات الندى والمجد في ميتته
والأدبُ البارع أودى والنهى

31. His pigeons swooped down on his intestines,
If only they knew his worth they would not have swooped.

٣١. سعى إلى مهجتِه حِمامها
ولو درى ما قدرُها لما سعى

32. I winked my eye, O fate, because of him
So I do not wink except from annoyance.

٣٢. طرفت طرفي أيها الدهر بهِ
فصرت لا أطرف إلا عن قذى

33. What consolation after him, but rather
Our consolation was for whom we lost.

٣٣. بما العزاء بعده فإنما
كان لنا عمن فقدناه عزا

34. How many excellent men under the soil, their merit
Upon mankind cannot be counted like the soil.

٣٤. كم من فتىً تحت الثرى وفضلُه
على الأنام ليس يُحصى كالثرى

35. He passed away but his deeds left his remembrance,
Better than what he left was leaving a good reputation.

٣٥. مضى وأبقَت ذكرَه أفعالُه
أحسن ما خلَّفته حسن الثنا

36. And for one who points the way of generosity,
It was a guide to those of his tribe.

٣٦. وللذي دلَّ من الجودِ عَلى
سبيل مَن قُبيله كان سُدى

37. Go on in the auspices of virtuous Saʿd,
One who was guided to him from guidance.

٣٧. سر على أيمن سعدٍ صالح
سار إليه من هدى