1. We are one day joined, another day parted
What is with you? What is with your unkept vows?
١. نَحنُ يَوماً وَصلٌ ويَوماً فِراقُ
ما لَكُم ما لِعَهدِكُم ميثاقُ
2. My lovesick heart was patient with your love
And it was with me, yet deceit was within it
٢. صبرت مهجَتي لرقِّ هَواكُم
وهي كانَت مَعي وفيها إباقُ
3. You were fooled by that deed from it
It was its deceit against you and hypocrisy
٣. واغتَرَرتُم بِذلكَ الفِعل مِنها
وهو مكرٌ مِنها بِكُم ونِفاقُ
4. So ask about its talk with others besides you
And that talk will be conveyed to you
٤. فاسأَلوا عَن حَديثِها مَع سِواكُم
وإليكم ذاكَ الحديثُ يُساقُ
5. And in a farewell in which I unveiled my mask
When I was loaded with what cannot be borne
٥. ووَداعٍ كشَفتُ فيه قِناعي
حينَ حمِّلتُ منه ما لا يُطاقُ
6. And the field of tears was leveled, so in the dark
There was racing with flames, and words caught up in it
٦. واستَوَت حَلبةُ الدُّموع فَفي الش
شُهبِ سباقٌ والكمت فيها لحاقُ
7. Then I would find comfort in revealing
my sorrows while lovers grew weary
٧. ثمَّ أصبَحتُ أستَريحُ إِلى كَش
فِ حَديثي ويتعبُ العُشَّاقُ
8. Indeed the turtledoves and lovesick ones like me
Bow down because of the likes of it
٨. وولَقَد أَطرُقُ الحَوانيتَ والمَه
مُومُ مثلي لمِثلِها طَرَّاقُ
9. Seeking refuge with a hostile possessor of a house
To which frequently the alleys were made ready
٩. مُستَجيراً بعانِسٍ ذات بَيتٍ
طالَما جُهِّزَت إِلَيه الزِّقاقُ
10. I visited her in a band whenever a
Night darkened, the dawn seemed to them radiant
١٠. زُرتُها في عِصابَةٍ كلَّما أَظ
لَمَ لَيلٌ بَدا لهُم إِشراقُ
11. They provoked sorrows with cups in which
The blood of sorrows in them was shed
١١. فاستَثاروا مِن الهُمومِ بِكاسا
تٍ دماءُ الهُمومِ فيها تُراقُ
12. It made them drunk in the morning, then deserted them
And returned with it while they still were not sober
١٢. صَبَحَتهم فأَسكَرَتهم وولَّت
ثمَّ عادَت بِها وهُم ما أَفاقوا
13. Drunkenness follows its sister, and you see the
Days folded as if they were leaves
١٣. تَتبَعُ السّكرةُ أختَها فتَرى ال
أيَّامَ تُطوى كأنَّها أوراقُ
14. In an era of purity, its margins flourished
Thus it became as if it were the Folding
١٤. في زمانٍ صَفا ورَقَّت حَواشي
هِ فَأضحى كأنَّه إِسحاقُ
15. Whenever I visited it, I found virtues
A house was built from it, and a porch extended
١٥. كُلَّما زُرتُه وجدتُ المَعالي
شيدَ مِنها بَيتٌ ومُدَّ رِواقُ
16. Favors wander on the camels' necks until
They seem to be collars
١٦. مِنَنٌ أَصبحَت تجولُ عَلى الأَع
ناقِ حتَّى كأنَّها أطواقُ
17. And a loftiness the sky rose above
And praise beyond it the horizons
١٧. وعُلاً دونَها السَّماءُ عُلوّاً
وثَناءٌ مِن دونِه الآفاقُ
18. And steeds of gifts heavily
Their carrying burdened the excellent coursers
١٨. ومَطايا مِن العَطايا ثِقال
كلَّفت حَملَها سَجايا رِقاقُ
19. And hearing I ordered it with pride
So manners forbade it that trait
١٩. ومَساعٍ أمَرنَه بِافتِخارٍ
فَنَهَتهُ عَن ذلكَ الأخلاقُ
20. So it desisted obedient to them, and upon it
Appeared shame and lowering the gaze
٢٠. فانتَهى طائِعاً لهنَّ وقَد با
نَ علَيه الحَياءُ والإطراقُ
21. It hides in its action when its
Violating action appears among the people
٢١. يَتَخَفَّى بِفعلِهِ عِندَما يَظ
هَرُ في الناسِ فِعلُهُ المِخراقُ
22. It has perfected its actions, and for the
Shame before, its description of them suffices
٢٢. فَلأَفعالِه التمامُ وللأش
عارِ من قَبل وصفِهنَّ المِحاقُ
23. Perhaps the noble hands are many, yet
The subtle meanings do not benefit the paltry
٢٣. ربَّما تَكثُر الأَيادي الجَليلا
تُ فَلا تَنفَعُ المَعاني الدِّقاقُ