
For the scoundrel Jahbath who took control of the

لطاهر الجهبذ الذي ضمن الدار

1. For the scoundrel Jahbath who took control of the
House so its wheel became ever turning

١. لطاهِر الجَهبَذِ الذي ضمنَ الد
دارَ فأضحَى دولابُه دائِر

2. And led corruption therein, and sustenance spread
So his home became prosperous

٢. وقادَ فيها فَسادَ واتَّسع الر
رِزقُ علَيه فبيتُه عامِر

3. A maiden dwells with his brother in
Perplexity with images, conversing with each

٣. صبيةٌ مع أخيهِ تَسكنُ في ال
حِير بصُورٍ كلٌّ بِها خابِر

4. Groping vainly every hour
As if her buttocks were Tahir's palms

٤. تلمسُ في كلِّ ساعةٍ عَبَثاً
حتَّى كأَنَّ استَها قَفا طاهِر