1. They denied her as an error from the righteous one
So they began to proclaim the denial
١. أنكروها غَوايةً من رشيد
فغَدوا يهتفون بالتفنيدِ
2. And loyalty was certainly made from tomorrow
So loyalty became the betrayal of generosity
٢. ولقد صيِّر الوفاء من الغد
رِ فكان الوفاءُ غدرَ الجودِ
3. O you who climbed to the peak of glory
With determined effort that exhausted the effort
٣. أيُّها المرتقي إلى ذِروة ال
مَجد بعزمٍ مستفرغ المجهودِ
4. Stop, for none remains to rival you in it
The climbers have reached below the ground
٤. قف فلم يبقَ من يُماريك فيها
حصل الصاعدون تحت الصعيدِ
5. And you persisted in the elevation of the height
So come closer to us, you will attain the hands of the poem
٥. وتَماديتَ في العلوِّ ارتفاعاً
فادنُ منا تنلك أيدي القصيدِ
6. A people said about you in knowledge, and a people
Followed them in words by imitation
٦. قال قومٌ بالعلم فيك وقومٌ
تبِعوهم في القول بالتقليدِ
7. People testify to each other every day
About your evident virtue
٧. يشهد الناسُ بعضهم عند بعضٍ
كلّ يومٍ بفضلكَ المشهودِ
8. And there were indeed some people in generosity
Who took it white and brought it black
٨. ولقد كان في المكارم قومٌ
أخذوها بيضاً وجاؤا بسودِ
9. After bearing a heavy burden so that
Their doors may be frequented by the delegations of delegations
٩. بعد ثقلٍ تحمَّلوهُ لكي تع
مُرَ أبوابُهم بوفد الوفودِ