
Between every eyelid of mine, an eye lies between

من كل جفن بين عيني بين

1. Between every eyelid of mine, an eye lies between
Yet only one eye stays awake for another eye

١. من كلِّ جَفنٍ بين عَيني بَين
وإنَّما تَسهرُ عَينٌ لِعَين

2. Days of estrangement and nights of yearning
Ordained for every time, for every era

٢. أيامُ هَجرٍ ولَيالي نَوىً
مُقَدَّراتٌ كلُّ حِينٍ لِحَين

3. My heart settled between sorrow and burning
So what can this do, between these two?

٣. وقَد ثَوى بَينَ الأسَى والجَوى
قَلبي فَما يَصنعُ ذا بَينَ ذَين

4. They accused your eyes of sorcery
Yet your eyes remained falsely accused

٤. واتَّهمُوا عَينَكَ في سِحرِها
ولم تَزل عَيناكَ مَتهُومَتَين

5. When she glanced at me with them
Who then is the sorcerer of these two glancing eyes?

٥. إذا رَمَتني بِهما مُقلَتي
فمَن يَكونُ السَّاحِر المُقلَتَين

6. So drink as you would drink rose-water
Passed from one cup to two cheeks

٦. فَاسقِ كَما تَشرَبُ وَردِيَّةً
تُنقَلُ من كأسٍ إلى وَجنَتَين

7. As if when they shone in the morning
A green-eyed one witnessed the two faiths

٧. كأنَّما إذ أصبَحَت فِيهما
مُخَضرَمٌ قد شَهِدَ الملَّتَين

8. In a year whose first rains shone forth
The clouds poured and Hussain's hands gave generously

٨. في سَنةٍ لاحَت تباشِيرُها
فابتَكرَ الغَيثُ وجادَ الحُسَين

9. What difference remains between us, after
The path of the rain aligned with the path of the hands?

٩. وأيُّ خُلفٍ بَينَنا بعدَ ما
وافقَ صَوبُ الغَيثِ صَوب اليَدَين

10. So let the days strip from me, how long
Will I wear the garb of oblivion and debt?

١٠. فلتَخلع الأيَّام عَنِّي فَكَم
أرفلُ في أثوابِ عُدمٍ وَدَين

11. If the days destine a state for me
Many lines repelled the two lines

١١. حالانِ إن وقَّعت لي حالةً
فرُبَّ خَطٍّ دفع الخُطَّتَين

12. And astonished them, that they did not see before it
Such wonder in the hand of one with two lips

١٢. وراعَهم أن لم يَرَوا قَبلَها
يَراعَة في يَدِ ذي لِبدَتَين

13. With the reeds of writing, deadly
In the reeds of the hands, planted

١٣. مِن قَصَباتِ الخَطِّ فتَّاكَةٍ
في قَصَباتِ الخطِّ غَرسِ اليَدَين

14. Every place sounded by it, sounds
Spread, so none ask where it is

١٤. كلُّ مكانٍ مِن نَداها نَدىً
عَمَّ فَما يُسألُ عَنهُ بِأَين