
Was it the day of separation, or did it not exist?

كان يوم البين أو لم يكن

1. Was it the day of separation, or did it not exist?
What is there after you that can take away from me?

١. كان يومُ البَينِ أو لم يَكُنِ
أيَّ شيءٍ بَعدكم يَسلُبُني

2. How much do I suffer, despairing, giving me hope,
Or fearful, reassuring me, in you.

٢. كَم أقاسِي آيِساً يُطمعُني
فيكُم أو خائِفاً يؤمِنُني

3. If a grief kept you from my grief,
You would stay or be stirred by my stirring.

٣. لو نَهَتكُم لَوعَةٌ عن لَوعَتي
لأَقَمتُم أو شَجاكُم شَجني

4. And if I stay empty
Of my heart, then my staying tortures me.

٤. وإذا كنتُ مُقيماً خالِياً
من فؤادي فَمُقامِي ظَعني

5. My companion without whom no one accompanies me,
Stop, how strange is what stopped me,

٥. صاحِبي من دُونِ مَن يَصحَبُني
قِف فَما أعجبَ ما أوقَفني

6. The form of a heart stirred by the form of love,
Hidden among the forms of the inkwells.

٦. رسمُ قلبٍ هاجَه رَسمُ هَوىً
كامِنٌ بَينَ رُسومِ الدِّمَنِ

7. If an eye commits sin, then take it to account,
Forever, and have mercy on the sickness of eyes.

٧. إن جَنت عينٌ فخُذ حدّاً بها
أبَداً وارحَم سَقامَ الأَعيُنِ