1. Have you seen their homes, my companions?
If you were looking out for yourself, then look
١. أرأيتِ دارَهُم أولئكَ مَعشري
إن كنتِ ناظِرةً لنفسكِ فانظُري
2. And let your gaze guarantee what was aimed
And struck me, so when I recover, he has recovered
٢. ويكونُ طرفُك في كفالةِ ما رمى
فأصابَني فإذا بَرِئتُ فقَد بَري
3. And a yellow wine whose radiance
Spread so I saw each in a yellow shirt
٣. ومُدامةٍ صفراءَ مَدَّ شُعاعُها
فرأيتُ كُلاً في قميصٍ أصفَرِ
4. A blonde who gathers at the ends of her running
Playfully, so many a dripping rider
٤. شَقراءُ تجمع في أواخِرِ جَريها
مرَحاً فَكم مِن راكبٍ مُتَقَطِّرِ
5. The scent is the scent of a sunny night
And its guide returns at a moonlit dawn
٥. الراحُ رائحةٌ بليلٍ مُشمِسٍ
ومديرُها غادٍ بِصُبحٍ مُقمِرِ
6. As if my eyes wept for his farewell
Sent to him in a red refuge dress
٦. وكأن عَيني إذ بكَت لوَداعِه
زُفَّت إليهِ بثوب لاذٍ أحمَرِ
7. As if she and as if the palm of security
Wrestle with flapping palms
٧. فكأنَّها وكأنَّ كفَّ سَلامةٍ
يَتَساجَلانِ بواكفٍ مُسحَنفِرِ
8. But in the generosity of the son of Yahya is the sweetness of the caller
And in it is wealth for the needy
٨. لكنَّ في جُود ابنِ يَحيَى نهلة الص
صَادي وفيه ثَروةٌ للمُقتِرِ
9. And when I blamed fate after meeting him
And his gifts, the liar's limit is upon me
٩. ومَتى ذممتُ الدهرَ بعد لِقائِه
وعطائِه فعليَّ حدُّ المُفتَري
10. From a group who select their words
As if they were jewel merchants
١٠. من مَعشرٍ يتخيَّرون كلامَهم
حتَّى كأنهم تجارُ الجَوهَرِ
11. As if their pens from their skill
Were the remnants of the broken reed
١١. وكأنَّما أقلامُهم من حِذقِها
بالفَتكِ فَضلاتُ القَنا المُتكسِّرِ
12. I remained waiting for your arrival for months
Then you arrived, and I joined them with months
١٢. مازلتُ منتظراً قدومَك أشهُرا
فوصلتَ ثم وصلتُهنَّ بِأَشهرِ
13. And you forgot me, so I forgot myself following
Strange is he who reminds the reminder
١٣. ونَسيتَني فَنَسيتُ نَفسي تابِعاً
عَجباً لِذا من ذاكرٍ مذكِّرِ
14. And gratitude, its seller where I saw myself
And the buyer always where the buyer is
١٤. والشكرُ بائِعُه بحيثُ رأيتَني
والمُشتري أبداً بحيثُ المشتَري