
I used to seek the dew wherever it was

كنت أسعى إلى الندى أينما كان

1. I used to seek the dew wherever it was
And visit its place at every time

١. كنتُ أسعَى إلى النَّدى أينمَا كا
نَ وأغشَى في كلِّ وقتٍ مكانَه

2. It started coming closer to me without my seeking
So they thought I had become rich and self-sufficient

٢. صَار يَدنُو منِّي ولا أتَلقَّا
هُ فظَنُّوا بِيَ الغِنَى والصِّيانَه

3. It is not what they saw, but time
Whose turns have afflicted me in its time

٣. ليسَ ما قد رأوا ولكن زَمانٌ
طرقَتني صُروفُهُ بِزَمانه