
You wished your soul to be patient, yet it is impatient

منتك نفسك أن تطيل فتقصر

1. You wished your soul to be patient, yet it is impatient
Even if they blame much, what's with you is more

١. منَّتك نفسُك أن تُطيلَ فتقصُرُ
إن أكثَروا فلعلَّ ما بك أكثرُ

2. The censurers of love shine when loving
They only judged based on what they saw

٢. لاح الهَوى اللائِمونَ على الهوى
لم يحكُموا إلا على ما أبصَروا

3. And parting slyly steals the farewell
While distance stretches tight upon it

٣. وأغرَّ يختلسُ الوداعَ مُسارقاً
والبينُ مشدودٌ عليه مشمِّرُ

4. It stumbles due to its haste and cries for the beloved
As if with its tears it trips

٤. يكبو لسرعَته ويبكي للنَّوى
وكأنه بدمُوعِه يَتعثَّرُ

5. I used to hear what I see and it would frighten me
But today what I see does not frighten me

٥. قد كنتُ أسمعُ ما أرى فيروعُني
فاليوم ليس يروعُني ما أنظُرُ

6. The old man is an ascetic between two asceticisms
One in him and one from him when he is chided

٦. والشيخ بين زَهادَتينِ زهادةٌ
فيه وأخرى منه حين يعيَّرُ

7. And the singing girls, when they use his old age as kohl
The mattress is lifted for them and they tighten their waist wrapper

٧. والغانياتُ إذا اكتَحلن بشَيبه
رفعَ الفراشُ لها وشدَّ المِئزرُ

8. And you think time turned white because of sorrow
Nay, it is the eras that turned white

٨. وتظنُّ أن الدهرَ شيَّب لمني
هيهات قد صارت تشيبُ الأدهُرُ

9. And she dies while the living are alive through her
Of whom should I inform or not inform?

٩. وتموتُ والأحياءُ أحياءٌ بها
ممَّن أخبَّرُ عنه أو لا أخبَرُ

10. The names of a people are like guideposts to them
In others, and their guideposts are what come to mind

١٠. أسماء قومٍ كالحروفِ دليلُها
في غيرها ودليلُها ما يحضرُ

11. Of their love, that they not be generous, that they
Wished, if they became needy, they wouldn't be able to

١١. من حبِّهم أن لا يَجودوا أنهم
ودُّوا لو افتَقروا لكَيلا يَقدروا

12. An illness I think you avoided its ways
And escaped its ways, O Ja'far

١٢. داءٌ أظنُّك حِدتَ عن طُرُقاته
ونجوتَ من طَرَقاتِه يا جَعفرُ

13. And the torrent breaks through the valley, so whoever ascends
A lofty place sees what the descending one does not see

١٣. والسيلُ يخترقُ الوِهاد فمن علا
شَرفاً يرى ما لا يَرى المُتحدِّرُ

14. And I see you fulfilled above Taneuf
Waiting from which direction you will be thanked

١٤. وأراك قد أوفَيت فوقَ تنوفةٍ
مترقِّباً من أيِّ وجه تُشكرُ

15. I am of your lowly ones, who even if they are absent
The exalted ones are not mentioned until they are mentioned

١٥. أنا من خُؤولَتِكَ الذين وإن خَلَوا
لا تُذكرُ العلياءُ حتَّى يُذكَروا

16. And if you reconciled, you reconciled one of kinship drawn near
And affection known, which cannot be denied

١٦. وإذا وصلتَ وصلتَ ذا رحمٍ دنَت
ومودَّةٍ عُرِفَت فليسَت تُنكَرُ

17. And that is enough for you, so whatever you build upon it
Exceeds you, built by the one who facilitated

١٧. وكفاك ذاكَ فصار يَفضلُ عنك ما
تَبني عليه ما بَناهُ ميسَّرُ

18. And a discourse prolonged upon its companions
Yet in describing your praise it falls short

١٨. ومقالةٌ طالَت على أترابِها
لكنَّها عن وصفِ مَدحِكَ تَقصُرُ