
He saw the roses on his cheeks bearing beauty’s mark

رأى الورد من خديه يحتمل المحلا

1. He saw the roses on his cheeks bearing beauty’s mark
Yet his eyes did not water for it out of sorrow or yearning

١. رَأى الوَردَ مِن خَدَّيهِ يحتَملُ المحلا
فلَم تَسقِهِ عَيناهُ وَبلاً ولا طَلا

2. Why then should we water the blossoms that were
Neither more precious, nor fresher, nor sweeter

٢. فَما بالُنا نَسقي البَهارَ ولَم يَكُن
أَرَقَّ ولا أَذكى نَسيماً وَلا أَحلَى

3. Come let us emulate his deed, perhaps
When he finds no generosity in us, he will teach us to be stingy

٣. تَعالوا نُشاكِل فعلَهُ فلَعَلَّهُ
إِذا لَم يَجُد فينا يُعلِّمُنا البُخلا

4. I dislike in him a quality that I love in myself
So hello beautiful one, and oh night with no loved ones

٤. وأَبغَضُ شَيءٍ فيهِ شَيءٌ أُحِبُّهُ
فَياطَيفَه أَهلاً وَيا لَيلُ لا أَهلا

5. Except for wine that resembles sleep at times
Through which I attain the affection of the estranged one

٥. سِوَى غَمراتٍ تُشبِهُ النَّومَ رُبَّما
أنالُ بِإِحداهنَّ من هاجِرٍ وَصلا

6. The greatest loss for a lover is his sanity
When only madness can bring separated ones together

٦. وأعظمُ مَفقودٍ عَلى العاشِق الكَرى
إِذا لَم يَكُن إِلا الكَرى يَجمع الشَّملا

7. The red one, water increased in it yet
With the increase it produced less action

٧. وحَمراء زادَ الماءُ فيها وإنَّهُ
لَيَنقُصُ مِنها في زِيادَتِها فِعلا

8. I was angry at it, and said kill it
Do not kill it, its drinking killed it

٨. غَضِبتُ لَها مِنهُ فَقُلتُ اقتُلوا بِها
وَلا تَقتُلوها حَسبُها شربُها قَتلا

9. Do not think every temperament agrees
Like the gifts in the nature of my father Ya’la

٩. ولا تَحسِبوا كُلَّ المِزاجِ مُوافِقاً
كَمِثلِ العَطايا فَي سَجايا أَبي يَعلى

10. The youth of glory, years have passed then its maturity
So the heights have practiced on it a youth, mature

١٠. فَتى المَجدِ أَعواماً خَلَت ثُمَّ كهلُهُ
فَقَد مارَسَت مِنهُ المَعالي فَتىً كَهلا

11. He erected it thus elevating it as it was built for him
And one of high lineage when he builds, rises high

١١. بَناها فَأعلاها كَما بُنِيَت لَه
وَذو النَّسبِ العَالي إِذا ما بَنَى عَلا

12. The leaders of the people are their flags
Thus their affairs are narrated and their signs recited

١٢. مِن القَومِ أَعلامُ الولايَةِ فيهمُ
فَأخبارُها تُروَى وآياتُها تُتلَى

13. If the master of the people is from amongst them, then you
Fulfill through him the duty of testification when praying

١٣. فَإن كانَ مَولَى القَومِ مِنهُم فَإِنَّكم
يُؤدِّي بِكُم فَرضَ التَّشُهُّدِ مَن صَلَّى

14. And your deeds dictate to the people your praise
And each person praises according to what he has attained

١٤. وأَفعالُكُم تُملي عَلى النَّاسِ مَدحَكُم
وكُلُّ امرِئٍ يُثني بِمِقدارِ ما استَملَى

15. Virtues in life and in religion, carrying them
Is difficult upon one not accustomed to bearing them

١٥. مَناقِبُ في الدُّنيا وَفي الدِّينِ حَملُها
ثَقيلٌ عَلَى مَن لَم يُعوَّد لَها حِملا

16. You and the one coming to you for a request
Are equal, each of you seeking superiority

١٦. وَإنَّكَ وَالغادِي إِلَيكَ بِحاجَةٍ
لسِيان كُلٌّ مِنكُما يَبتَغي الفَضلا

17. But he is the cheated one in what he sells
Selling you that which will remain for what will perish

١٧. ولَكِنَّه المغبونُ فيما يَبيعُهُ
يَبيعُكَ ما يَبقَى عَلَيكَ بِما يَبلَى